
Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by Rockyv58, Feb 24, 2015.

  1. Rockyv58

    Rockyv58 Well-Known Member

    Has anyone made it to the construction zone on I-440?
  2. Copperhead

    Copperhead Member

    Left the house about 2:00 and went to Wake Forest Rd. Their are icy spots but no problem. Going about 50mph on 40. I-440 construction zone not bad at all.
    Will be worse tonight when everything freezes. By the way I live of North Shiloh Rd.
  3. Rockyv58

    Rockyv58 Well-Known Member

    I love off polenta rd. I only had to go to ganer at 2pm. I have drive home at 11pm. :(
  4. jesse82nc

    jesse82nc Well-Known Member

    Drove from 42 and Government to RTP this morning around 7:30am and drove back around 3pm.

    No issues.
  5. markfnc

    markfnc Well-Known Member

    No issues this morning (Wed 2/25). Neighborhood was clear, 50 was clear, 42 was clear, I 40 to rtp was clear.
  6. poppin cork

    poppin cork Well-Known Member

    Wife says I40 is icy and Mark she said you need glasses before your next roads report.(LOL) The roads are not clear.
  7. markfnc

    markfnc Well-Known Member

    I left at 6:15. 30-35 mph (40-45 mph normal) on both 50 & 42. I 40 I drove 60 mph (70 mph normal) the whole way no issues at all.
  8. jesse82nc

    jesse82nc Well-Known Member

    Saw a few dozen accidents on I-40 this morning on my way in. Saw one lady spin out on the bridge over Wade Ave 2 cars in front of me. Luckily she was okay and didn't hit anything or anyone. Bridges were a little icy, should be better soon.

    But better hunker down for tonight, the Triangle might get quite a storm. Most forecasts are saying the northern parts of Wake county will get it the worst. Southern JoCo might not get it as bad, but still could be a few inches easily.

    One of the latest total forecasts from about 9am today. This is the total snowfall through about 8-9am tomorrow.

  9. Rockyv58

    Rockyv58 Well-Known Member

    I will be at work from 3p to 11p. I leave my home around 1:30 and leave work around 11:15. I know roads will be clear when I go in today. It's tonight when I go home. I figure the construction zone is a concern. I figure I will do tonight what I did last night on my way home. Drove about 25mph on 40 and about 20mph on the roads back to my home.
  10. gcoats3

    gcoats3 Well-Known Member

    Be safe
  11. jesse82nc

    jesse82nc Well-Known Member

    Agreed, be safe out there. Most snow is expected to start around 8-9pm or so. And by midnight, maybe 2" already in the area. Don't expect the plows to be doing a very good job in the middle of the night here.
  12. Rockyv58

    Rockyv58 Well-Known Member

    I had called in hoping to just work a 4 hour shift. I just knew I should of called out. I did tell them that I have a dr appointment in the AM so I could not stay any longer tonight. I will just have to go real slow on my way home. Hopefully they will be putting down brine today and plowing and salt\sanding tonight (wishful thinking) Even in good weather I hate driving the I-440 construction zone
  13. Rockyv58

    Rockyv58 Well-Known Member

    I wonder how many inches will be on the ground by 11:15pm
  14. markfnc

    markfnc Well-Known Member

    I had worked at Highwood's, and had not driven 440 since construction started. Going home it was quicker to take Raleigh Blvd to Crosslink to Garner rd to 50 .

    I avoid 440/40 during bad weather. seems to me like a better chance to come across someone driving crazy. back roads for me, even in snow.
  15. PoohBear

    PoohBear Well-Known Member

    Zero on road at that time
  16. Rockyv58

    Rockyv58 Well-Known Member

    I am not going to have to find out. My first patient got sent to holly hill and my second patient got sent home. Sat and waited for another case. A lot of cases got DC'd so they are sending home the agency people and just using wake med staff. Now just got to see how it is in the morning to go to the vet and own dr.

    I hate driving through construction zones.
  17. BuzzMyMonkey

    BuzzMyMonkey Well-Known Member

    depends which girls you ask.. that could vary from spot to spot, depends how cold it is too
  18. Pepper Jack

    Pepper Jack Well-Known Member

    Now that was well played
  19. markfnc

    markfnc Well-Known Member

    traffic Feb 27

    Combination of people driving 25 with flashers on and people driving 75 both on I 40 at the same time seem to be the issue this morning. People remembering that they need to be careful on bridges and ramps then slamming on their brakes when they remember that then spinning off. If everyone would just take it easy, plan ahead it would have been fine this morning. 40/42 to rtp normally 35-40 minutes was 50 this morning leaving at 7.

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