Anchor Trash

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by teacherteacher, Dec 15, 2014.

  1. PoohBear

    PoohBear Well-Known Member

    Where did you get this 95% from. I am confident my judgement is much better that that. Just saying!
  2. lamassey

    lamassey New Member

    Aardvark Trash

    I had a salesman at my door tell me my trash company (Aardvark) had sold their business (not true). I guess he didn't think I would check.

    I posted this on another thread. They have never cancelled a week of service. They have had weather delays but never skipped me. They always communicate if there is a delay. They donate every month to the pediatric brain tumor foundation and they have never let me down. That's worth something to me.

    I'm sure others have had the same luck with other companies but I can't say enough about these guys and I don't think enough people know about them.
  3. certdude

    certdude Well-Known Member

    +1 for Aardvark. Theyve been awesome the past 2 weeks making sure customers are informed about their weather delays.

    Dunno what the salesman was trying to pull, but Aardvark did just BUY someone, to get some more coverage in E Wake Co.
  4. Mary B

    Mary B New Member

    I guess two years later for a reply isn't too bad. I dropped WM mid-year 2015. When I told them I was unhappy with their service and going to another one they told me that I would be responsible for a 3 month fee end of service fee. Yes, you have to pay to leave a service, right? Well the rate Anchor quoted me then and the rate I am still paying a year later is the same and that well made up for any "fee" I had to pay WM. I really like these Anchor folks. They may not always be at the end of the phone when you call, but they always call you back. Just to be clear - I pay an annual fee, not a monthly or quarterly. I usually get a discount for that. Anchor is well below what I see some folks on here are paying in quarterly fees. Anchor has increased its presence in Clayton/Archer Lodge with all the new subdivisions going up out here. I'm sure Anchor is going to be around for quite some time.
  5. esther

    esther Active Member

    I dropped WM about 9 months ago as they wanted to charge me $100 to take an 8 x 10 area carpet. Called Anchor and have used them ever since. Very nice, always there and if you need something removed its a reasonable rate. Oh, by the way, $18 less a quarter !!!!
  6. fordtruck112786

    fordtruck112786 New Member

    We have Anchor Disposal and they are absolutely wonderful. They are a small family owned operation, and haven't been to long in North Carolina. Their office is outside downtown Clayton off of O'Neil St. down a long dirt path. I would recommend them to anyone.
  7. barney726

    barney726 Well-Known Member

    that sounds like bobby hardee's address. also the owner of red barn.
  8. jesse82nc

    jesse82nc Well-Known Member

    I think I asked them about it once, and they said they rented out a piece of their property to the trash company. Years ago.

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