Ants :(

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by robbie, Apr 16, 2015.

  1. robbie

    robbie Well-Known Member

    Have black ants coming in my house in the kitchen. Sealed off the places I thought they were coming in from. Now they have found another place to come in :( Getting aggravated, lol........ Question: DIY or Exterminator ? DIY, what can I use under the house and in the far tight spots I can't reach without harming myself? And Exterminator, who is the best without breaking my bank that I don't have?/( Thank You :)
  2. tassy

    tassy Well-Known Member

    Have you tried Terro? You don't even have to put it where they are coming in, just put it in their path, they will consume the poison liquid and carry it back to the nest and within a few days you should stop seeing them. My mom recommended it years ago, I bought some at Home Depot or Lowes, and now its the only thing I use when I see ants in the house. It works for me. We have cats in the house and I don't even worry about them messing with it, the way the trap is designed they can't get to the liquid and its safe to set on counters or in cabinets. We've used it for both big black ants and the smaller sugar ants.
    robbie likes this.
  3. gcoats3

    gcoats3 Well-Known Member

    Neuse Pest Control (919) 553-9888 is very good and inexpensive if you sign up for quarterly service. They will come back as many times as required to eliminate ants, etc.
    robbie likes this.
  4. Lucy

    Lucy Well-Known Member

    We use Ortho Home Defense. You can get it at Lowes or Walmart. We spray the perimeter of the house (inside and out) every quarter and have had no issues. Of course, be careful if you have pets and kids. Good Luck!
    robbie likes this.
  5. robbie

    robbie Well-Known Member

    I put down a Terro ant liquid bait, and ta da!!!! The ants are coming in and leaving all day now :) Hopefully the Queen Ant will be having her last drink soon, lol........ :) Thanks tassy :)
    tassy likes this.
  6. tassy

    tassy Well-Known Member

    It takes a lot for me not to kill them when I see them, but then they can't take it back to the nest......I get a small bit of joy in seeing the ones that drink so much they can't get out of the trap.... Keep us updated! :)
  7. robbie

    robbie Well-Known Member

    It was interesting to watch the ants. They move fast and there was a line coming in the trap and going at the same time!!!! But after 13 hours of that kind of activity there was then not an ant in sight, and not since either!!!! Now I have sealed under the door jam where they were coming in :) So the colony is now defunct and my door jam is sealed..... Thank You so much tassy ......... that definitely was a cheap enough fix :)
    tassy likes this.

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