Rumor Mill - New Food Lion Shopping Center

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by Harvey, Jul 7, 2015.

  1. Harvey

    Harvey Well-Known Member

    I heard that a new Food Lion shopping center will be coming to Cleveland soon. Not sure how reliable this, but the site is right next to the Cleveland Fire Station.
  2. robbie

    robbie Well-Known Member

    Which Cleveland Fire station? The one near DR Wells or the one down near the 40/42?
  3. Smithers

    Smithers Well-Known Member

    Well, the fire station on 40/42 is within spitting distance of a Food Lion shopping center already.

    Sorry... I can't get excited about another Food Lion.
    jesse82nc likes this.
  4. lgb0250

    lgb0250 Well-Known Member

    I just don't see the demographics supporting another Food Lion that close to the one already on 42. If it was the one by DR Wells your talking maybe 3 miles from the current one and if it was the one within spitting distance of the current one I would assume they would be closing the old one, which just doesn't make any sense at all considering they are still in the process of aN ongoing major upgrade.
  5. dgsatman

    dgsatman Well-Known Member

    I've been out on my corner for almost 20 years, and I'm here to tell you, rumors come and rumors go. My favorite expression, which I coined and found to be true a LONG TIME ago: I'll believe when the doors open". ;)
    kaci likes this.
  6. Harvey

    Harvey Well-Known Member

    Near the one at DR wells
  7. BuzzMyMonkey

    BuzzMyMonkey Well-Known Member

    Yup. I don't buy this rumor either.
    It'll make zero sense to put money into updating FL at 42 and still have one at 210 and than build one in between the two. No sense at all. Besides this isn't Sheetz.
  8. HillaryRodham

    HillaryRodham Member

    Silly people... No one wants a Food Lion. Only the backwoods hicks shop there. Give me a Stop & Shop or if I have too I will go to a Publix
    rntobe likes this.
  9. robbie

    robbie Well-Known Member

    Silly people... No one wants a Food Lion. Only the backwoods hicks shop there. Give me a Stop & Shop or if I have too I will go to a Publix

    Easy now, Easy............ No need to call us Southerns names.........Sound to me like you are a Yankee.........
    softballmom likes this.
  10. HillaryRodham

    HillaryRodham Member

    Blessed to be born in the Great Progressive State of New York! No offense intended we just have to educate you folks to follow the right ways and thinking.
  11. tassy

    tassy Well-Known Member

    I am a northerner at heart and have been here for a little while now... and I'm just gonna say "bless your heart". Sounds like you won't be happy here and you should just stay in New York.
    TBonz and softballmom like this.
  12. HillaryRodham

    HillaryRodham Member

    Thank you for the well wishes. I am looking to get back to 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue Washington DC. That is as South as I want to be. Have to get past all these tiresome visits first.
  13. cranky

    cranky Well-Known Member

    Someone has done some serious due diligence on that site. Soil borings and a very complete site survey. Time will tell, I would rather see a Carlie C's... complete with a traffic plan that doesn't turn Mclemore/Cleveland Sch. Rd. into a total cluster.
    softballmom and Kelyel like this.
  14. Rockyv58

    Rockyv58 Well-Known Member

    I think that corner is a total cluster already. Its next to impossible to get out of there. It really could use a traffic light to help. But instead of a Food Lion I would like to see a Harris Teeter or Publix. IMHO
  15. HillaryRodham

    HillaryRodham Member

    Again no one cares what you think. What degree did you earn to determine an intersection needs a Traffic Light. Leave it to the engineers of NC DOT. They are qualified! Even NY DOT consults with them.
  16. BuzzMyMonkey

    BuzzMyMonkey Well-Known Member

  17. bissielizzie

    bissielizzie Well-Known Member

    That's exactly how most of us feel about you and your hateful comments, step off.
    kaci and Sherry A. like this.
  18. HillaryRodham

    HillaryRodham Member

    Wow, guess that is one voter I can not count on! Not sure what I said to offend you, but it does take a "village" to raise a child. All kinds of people are needed in the "village". Perhaps we can help bail water on a different issue.
  19. markfnc

    markfnc Well-Known Member

    Why so mean?
  20. cvfdcaptain

    cvfdcaptain Well-Known Member

    Plans are being reviewed,,,,

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