But here is the difference between a panhandler and this fella you helped, he was trying to give someone something in return for the money, his guitar. He wasn't asking for handout. I help when and where I can, but generally try to keep it to those who are trying to help themselves in the process. Standing on a street corner with a sign rarely encourages that impulse with me. That said, I am glad you were able to help this fella and it sounds like he really appreciated it.
My daughter and I both help those asking for money if we have it. I gave $20.00 to someone asking for money to take a shower in Durham and if someone is on a ramp and either of us can position over we give even a dollar. If it's a scam so be it. One never knows if it is really needed or if giving can change a person. Compassion/empathy......we should all have it. Sherry
I also like the idea of having items in a baggie that can be used and giving those out instead of money. We just never know what can change a person's life. Sherry
folks that give to these so called "panhandlers" are just enabling them. recently heard a presentation by raleigh rescue mission director. this type organization does a good job of helping the homeless and down and out. recently saw where one panhandler said they take in $50,000/year. no taxes. they stated "why should i work". lesson learned. give to organizations that really help those that need help.
This is more "help" than giving cash to someone on a street corner who is likely addicted to either alcohol or drugs. Cash makes YOU feel good in the moment and probably them too, but does nothing long term for the individual. As someone else said, instead give that money to an organization that does know what it's doing to help those people, not enabling their addictions or other issues if you want to help in the long run.
I remember when I was in college back in the 70's I was home for the weekend. A buddy and myself drove up to brandeis university to visit another friend of ours. We took the El to downtown Boston. As we got off the train and walked down the steps there was a homeless man begging for money. I remember asking him what he wanted the money for. He said (what I thought was honest) he wanted it for alcohol. I remember we all dug into our pockets and gave him what ever change we had.
I try not to judge others. Not sure if "all" are addicts, but if our family can help in any way we will. As I stated before, nobody knows what will change a person's life. I have worked with addicts for more years than I can count and believe me some actually will spend it on a meal, housing, shower. Our family gives because we feel like giving to an individual may help more, at times, than giving to an organization that spends part of the money on overhead. Sherry
Not to split hairs, but I don't believe that I said ALL, I said "likely" which is not quite the same thing. Look, I applaud you for your altruism, but personally? NOPE, I am not risking personal safety nor being "had" by handing cash out to a random person on the street. And the supposed honesty doesn't win me any points either. In Vegas last year, the "thing" among the bums seems to be signs that said "Need money for booze". Yep, buddy, so do I, it's Vegas.
Those that are inclined to do something good for their fellow person, will do so. Those who are not inclined to do something good for their fellow person will not do so. Those who are not inclined either way may be persuaded to act by example, and this is the larger group. It is the hope of positive persuasion that leads to such discussion.
Actually it isn't bragging it if it is fact. I do apologize if anyone took my statements as bragging. It's pretty much a damned if you do, damned if you don't situation with some people on here......if I just state that I believe in giving someone will say, "well when is the last time you did?" or something similar. I made the decision to give examples and you'll just have to live with it. tee hee Sherry