"Cleveland Market" - Proposed Shopping Center on Cleveland Road near Fire Station

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by jesse82nc, Oct 28, 2015.


    ROUTER Well-Known Member

    Does anyone know what they are trying to do beside the chops property? Saw a rezoning/public hearing sign there, been there a couple weeks I guess. Also heard a rumor that harris teeter owned land at the corner of cornwallis and 42, where that sign for a shopping center coming soon had been for all those years. Probably just a rumor, just thought I would ask.
  2. jesse82nc

    jesse82nc Well-Known Member

    There's definitely no land owned by Harris Teeter in that area. I even double checked everything along Cornwallis and 42 for about half a mile in each direction.

    ROUTER likes this.
  3. Harvey

    Harvey Well-Known Member

    That doesn't mean someone doesn't have an option on the property. There was a lot of that during the recession where some companies put plans on hold but secured options to buy at a later date. Pure speculation on my part, though. Personally, I'd like to see that corner developed even though I drive through it everyday. It needs some formal planning that can only come via a decent sized development.
    ROUTER likes this.
  4. WadeCorbett

    WadeCorbett Well-Known Member

    They're just extending their special use/business zoning classification. They rezoned it several years ago and if not used, it can eventually expire.
    ROUTER likes this.

    ROUTER Well-Known Member

  6. Straitlover

    Straitlover Well-Known Member

    Don't know if this is true, but this is what I heard. Way back when Triangle Landscaping moved from the corner where Sheetz is now to down the street, they tried developing that corner. They wanted to get HT, but HT decided that the lot was too small. Might just have been rumors, though!
    Rockyv58 likes this.
  7. Rockyv58

    Rockyv58 Well-Known Member

    I remember hearing about Harris Teeter going there as well. I did not know they had pulled out. I also remember diagonal from where the Sheets is there had been a sign for a shopping plaza as well

    ROUTER Well-Known Member

    I also heard harris teeter or food lion had bought land by the Lowe's foods. I heard that food lion was going there and shutting down the store on Glen rd due the road work that is anticipated at the 40 42 interchange. Also heard target was looking at the portion that is zoned commercial across from walmart, the parcel at the intersection of 42. Probably just more rumors but I thought I would throw it out there.
    Auxie and Rockyv58 like this.
  9. markfnc

    markfnc Well-Known Member

    Food Lion just totally renovated the Glen Rd store. I wouldn't think they would do that, then move.
  10. ROUTER

    ROUTER Well-Known Member

    I agree, it would be strange to spend all that money and walk away from the store.
  11. jesse82nc

    jesse82nc Well-Known Member

    There won't be a lot large enough for a Target across from Walmart, it's almost entire homes on the current plan. Very minimal Retail/Commercial.
  12. ROUTER

    ROUTER Well-Known Member

    Ok, I was thinking one of those corner lots was like 16 acres, maybe not
  13. jesse82nc

    jesse82nc Well-Known Member

    As far as I have been aware, these are the only 4 plots that will be commercial. A Target would take at least 15-16 acres including the parking lot. Even though lot 4 is technically 25 acres, more than half is on the other side of 42, and it's not exactly shaped properly for a Target.

    ROUTER likes this.
  14. Wraunch

    Wraunch Well-Known Member

    do we have an opening date for the Food lion yet?
  15. WadeCorbett

    WadeCorbett Well-Known Member

    Don't forget about the floodplain.

    Parcel 1 & 2 combined, excluding the floodplain and the property that is across the road are just under 15 acres.

    Attached Files:

  16. ROUTER

    ROUTER Well-Known Member

    They are shooting for October 19th
    Auxie likes this.
  17. Rockyv58

    Rockyv58 Well-Known Member

    I wonder when they are going to have the traffic light working
  18. Wraunch

    Wraunch Well-Known Member

    Does anyone know if they're going to build more outparcels on the site? The sign at the street has space for 10 tenants but I only see 5 spaces around the food lion.
  19. WadeCorbett

    WadeCorbett Well-Known Member

    The last illustration I saw showed that there will be 5 outparcel lots.
  20. jesse82nc

    jesse82nc Well-Known Member

    Most likely they plan to have 5 outparcel lots, but some of those may be multi-tenant buildings as well. So in the end there could easily be 10-20 total businesses at that location.

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