I've got something nice to say about.....

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by Webmaster, Jan 23, 2017.

  1. Webmaster

    Webmaster Administrator

    Fulfilling a New Year's resolution to not let the daily nice things I encounter slip by without mention. Fill free to add your own.

    I was returning from a trip to Raleigh one evening this week and suddenly saw the blue lights in my rear view mirror on Hwy 70 business. The officer had pulled me because I had a headlight out and gave me an equipment warning. Completely professional and pleasant...although he was the one standing next to the busy highway in the rain. High five to Clayton's finest for doing a tough job with a smile.

    Saturday morning I had to have inspections and oil changes done on two vehicles. Not a favorite activity but Laura at the front desk of Cleveland Auto Repair made all the difference in the world. Great service delivered with a personality guaranteed to make you smile....she and the guys in the shop got me in and out in record time, all the while handling phone calls and walk-ins. Looking forward to my next oil change - thanks Cleveland Auto Repair!
  2. DWK

    DWK Well-Known Member

    The Clayton police are really first rate. One night, I stopped to get gas fairly late, then accidentally locked my keys in my car, and an officer who just happened to be there at the time, gave me a ride home to get my other set of keys, then drove me back. What a terrific officer. Had a real nice laugh over it in the squad car too. Thank you Clayton Police Department for all that you do!
    Last edited: Jan 23, 2017
  3. certdude

    certdude Well-Known Member

  4. ricks99

    ricks99 Well-Known Member


    Of the 9 locations where alcohol was sold in violation of the law, 6 of those clerks actually checked the underage teen’s ID [the underage buyer presented proper ID showing the correct age of 17], but still sold the alcohol.
  5. Auxie

    Auxie Well-Known Member

    I read that also. I wonder what type of job those 6 have now? When I was 18, I could legally buy beer. But not at 17.

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