Covid 19

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by Wayne Stollings, Mar 19, 2021.

  1. Wayne Stollings

    Wayne Stollings Well-Known Member

    You mean back when there were no limitations on immigration other than showing up at the border? Now you and your ilk want to keep everyone out with a complexion darker than Wonder bread.

    Better than your conservative cohorts ... poppin, for example.
    DWK likes this.
  2. Wayne Stollings

    Wayne Stollings Well-Known Member

    At least one of the prescribers is aware that medical experts recommend against using these drugs to prevent or treat Covid-19 but prescribed them anyway, according to patient records. One physician included this disclaimer in their consultation notes with several patients: “I, [physician’s name], have a complete understanding of the recent release from the WHO, FDA, CDC, and NIH on March 5th, 2021 as it pertains to the use and prescribing of Hydroxychloroquine and Ivermectin. I understand that these two medications have been deemed ‘Highly Not Recommended’ by the for-mentioned [sic] medical governing bodies but are not illegal to prescribe. … I have explained that I will not be held legally or medically responsible for an adverse reaction by this patient should they choose to take them and have explained they will not be able to hold me medically neglectful, pursue any form of malpractice, nor any criminal and civilly [sic] suits.”
  3. NJ2NC

    NJ2NC Well-Known Member

    Awww....How christian of you!
  4. Wayne Stollings

    Wayne Stollings Well-Known Member

  5. NJ2NC

    NJ2NC Well-Known Member

    You claim to be an atheist, so I have zero interest in anything that you have to say concerning 'christianity'. I am however, interested in what DWK has to say since she/he/it claims to be a 'real christian'.
  6. DWK

    DWK Well-Known Member

    I am not “boasting” of being a white person. So much for your reading comprehension skills. (As it turns out, like most people, my DNA is a mixture of many different things.) I’m simply just pointing out that you’re a “white” Supremacist with Italian heritage, which is ironic, to say the least. Do you even have a CLUE that when Italians immigrated to the US by the millions, during the late 19th and early 20th Centuries, that they were NOT considered to be “white”, and in the South, the darker complected Southern Italians were subjected to the very SAME Jim Crow laws that were forced on black Americans? If you are an Italian American, you need to understand that historically, your Italian ethnicity was not perceived as “white”, and neither were the Irish perceived as “white” at that time! In fact, the Irish were considered to be the lowest in the social hierarchy of European immigrants. So, with that history of Italian-Americans in mind, it makes very little sense (in fact, it’s ridiculous!) for you to be shopping around ignorant ideas of “white” supremacy. As far as my Christianity being called into question, and which I have spoken about many times on here, I believe that all people, no matter what color, or ethnicity, they are, are equal under God. It is not “anti-American”, or “anti-Christian” to try to understand and acknowledge our past mistakes as a country, and to rectify the transgressions of the past against people of color, or various ethnicities. And it would be sound practice as Christians, and especially as Americans, to finally come to terms with these shameful issues. As a person of Italian heritage, I would urge you to EDUCATE yourself regarding the years when Italians, and even white-skinned Celts, we’re not considered to be “white”. Lol. It’s a fascinating read into the social, cultural, and legal constructs of “race” and how the rules can change to keep people from fully participating in a democracy. And as a darker-skinned, Italian, you are most definitely a part of that fascinating history.

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    Last edited: Sep 30, 2021
  7. lawnboy

    lawnboy Well-Known Member

    Is it illegal to not be Christian in this country? What if she wasn't? What happened to freedom of religion? You know, the Constitution? I thought Conservatives believed in what the Founding Fathers had to say?

    Oh wait, I forgot there are no more Conservatives anymore - it's either Liberal, Moderate, Fascist, or Constitutionalist.

    I almost forgot the anti-American Fascist Insurrectionists who stormed the Capitol to interrupt a the Constitutional duty of the US Congress.

    But you said I am the one who salutes the Nazi flag? I knew you guys were not that bright, but man, this level of dis-comprehension makes me fear that our country won't survive until 2030.

    FYI: I am a card-carrying Atheist, just like Ronald Reagan's first-born son, the spokesman for the Freedom From Religion Foundation.

    Just like my neighbors, or the idiots who mail me "letters" with leaflets about Jesus, you can shove your religion down your throat and choke on it - IF you tell me I am a lesser person because I don't believe, or you and your ilk feel the need to "convert" me.

    I don't go into local churches trying to shove my non-belief down the parishoners' throats. You shouldn't either.

  8. lawnboy

    lawnboy Well-Known Member

    I cut my own, but don't say my back is wet.
  9. DWK

    DWK Well-Known Member

    So, now that another troll has interrupted the discussion, and has contributed absolutely ZERO to it, can we get back to current Covid issues?
  10. DWK

    DWK Well-Known Member

    As you have that right as guaranteed by our constitution, just as I have my right to be a Christian, but in my case, the private, non-dogmatic type, who doesn’t try to “convert” anyone to my beliefs.
    Wayne Stollings and lawnboy like this.
  11. lawnboy

    lawnboy Well-Known Member

    Boy oh boy! I bet plenty of Guatemalans trying to save their children from being murdered would love to be able to say the same - but plenty of Fox/OAN hosts sure don't want that to happen, nor do millions of their followers! The brown people are eroding our white culture and Joe Biden is letting them in to carry out his Secret Plan!

    I think there may be some children on the menu at the Pizza palace in DC - you better go check - but please, watch for chemtrails and people trying to stick that GPS tracker in your arm on the way.
    Wayne Stollings likes this.
  12. BuzzMyMonkey

    BuzzMyMonkey Well-Known Member

    Including the Master hypocrite himself. ACW.
  13. BuzzMyMonkey

    BuzzMyMonkey Well-Known Member

    LOFL @ ACW unintentionally describing himself again.
  14. BuzzMyMonkey

    BuzzMyMonkey Well-Known Member

    Her actions here prove she’s just a lying hypocrite here.
  15. DWK

    DWK Well-Known Member

    Respect the land, Honey. That’s called Christian stewardship. We didn’t have much of a trash issue here, until everybody and their brother showed up around here, and started throwing trash out their windows. Then they told all of their friends how “nice” it is to live here, and how much “better” it would be if it looked more like Newark. Just clean up after yourselves is all. Thanks.
  16. NJ2NC

    NJ2NC Well-Known Member

    No it is not and you have made your dislike for christianity known. DWK professes to be a christian. If she wasn't (or didn't think that she was one) would she say that she was?

    You may have "almost forgot" but apparently there is a lot that you haven't learned.

    I asked you a question. Based on your above response, I am still looking for that self professed intelligence that you brag about so often.

    I believe you.

    Is this an example of that high level of intelligence that you proclaim to posses?

    I think that you may want to consult your/a mental professional ASAP?
  17. NJ2NC

    NJ2NC Well-Known Member

    ^^Are you now saying that your version of christianity is about litter?
  18. DWK

    DWK Well-Known Member

    Lol. Like most of the trolls on here, you ignore all of the content that leaves you with egg all over your face. You start goading with all your white supremacist nonsense, then tell me that you’re a “dark-skinned Italian”, but you are completely ignorant that at one time in history, dark-skinned Italians were subjected to the same Jim Crow laws as Black Americans. Now you’re just straight-up trolling like the ignoramus that you are, but Bless your heart anyway.
  19. NJ2NC

    NJ2NC Well-Known Member

    Stop dancing around and answer the question. What type of christianity do you subscribe too?

    Bonus: Do you think that you could go a month without saying the word "white"?
  20. DWK

    DWK Well-Known Member

    I have said many times on here that I was raised a Christian by a THINKING PERSON, and not by someone who gives it “lip service”, just so that they can be part of a “group” - especially if that group goes off the rails.

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