they have a load of stone to start on construction entrance. I would think there would be a long time period to get that site in shape to start a building. Probably why it says opening 2025. 4 Mo get a building site, and 12 mo. construction of the building.
This property changed hands recently and has started some construction/grading. Some googling of the company name seems to suggest that they build 7-11 Stores. Don't know if that is actually what is coming to that location or not though.!3m3!8m2!3d35.627225!4d-78.506084?entry=ttu
Thanks, I didn't think to check that. Interestingly they own all 3 parcels and they have a silt fence around all 3 as well. They have started clearing and grading them as one large parcel. The TOC GIS only shows the one parcel as 7-11.
I'm glad we are getting a 7-11. It seems as if all the stuff tends to go to the Percy Flowers end of Clayton and not ours. That and we are finally getting the Publix on our side of town.
I looked back at my bid web site. this bid in March and said const start in May. Location 41 Springbrook Ave, Clayton, NC 27520 US Description Site work and new construction of a retail development in Clayton, North Carolina. Completed plans call for the construction of a 4,732-square-foot, one-story above grade retail development; and for site work for a retail development. Plans call for a new one-story convenience store. *The owner requests that all subcontractor / supplier inquiries be directed to the GC Bidder. *The bid list for this project may be incomplete. If you have been invited to bid on this project by the owner, please notify our editorial staff at *This project is being bid by invitation only. If you have been contacted by the owner to bid on this project as a general contractor, and would like to be listed below, please notify our editorial staff at *Please contact bidding general contractors for access to plans.
I believe 7-11 plans to convert many of the Speedways to 7-11s in the future. So I don't think they are building a ton of new Speedways.
They built a Brand new 7/11 in Fayetteville and my wife told me the sell a lot of the same branded stuff (drinks and food) that they did in the Speedway
Notice that notched out area, the land they are clearing looks like it goes behind the house that a car went through about 5-7 years ago, it's pretty well engulfed in weeds at this point. My thoughts always been that landowner took the insurance money and is holding out for a big payday to sell that land. Y'all always provide such great information, I'm happy I could contribute something back!
Garibaldi Trattoria Online Ordering ( No permit activity between Feb and July. In July they passed a mech rough in inspection. nothing since. moving very slow.