Johnston County Animal Control Strike Again!!!

Discussion in 'Cat Dog' started by Anonymous, Oct 5, 2004.

  1. Anonymous

    Anonymous Well-Known Member

    Johnson County Animal ( Executioners) Control

    To Peppercorn and Mark - for all to read: I am very proud to say these wonderful animal loving people are my kids, although we live in different states now. When Peppercorn and Mark moved next to door to Nikko, it was love at first site. Despite this tragic event, they have been so supportive to Nikko's family and still love Nikko. And yes, "stuff" happens, whether with a family four legged memberl or human. I know my kids are devastated at this horrible turn of events, and are doing all they can, spending so much time airing their thoughts, and being so supportive towards Nikkos family. All should remember, that animal shelters, humane societies are non-profit humane loving people of our 4-legged friends and deserve and need so much funding and many more volunteers. All states should be "giving" them funds to run these "homes" instead of pissing away money on stupid non-essential needs. Get my drift? I have been having nightmares over this, I have more compassion for 4-legged and feathered species than for my so-called humans sharing my planet. Our 4-legged friends give us unconditional love and support and deserve nothing but the best, whether they have a temporary home or are in a shelter. Just look at them, all they are saying is "love me". Animal Control is useless, whenever I see the damn truck driving around, I want to shoot out their tires. Would be interesting to x-ray these people to see if they have any heart, and to see if there is ice in their veins instead of blood.

    Oh, Lee, Cindy and kids, what more can I say. Hang in I know Nikko is always in your heart.
  2. Anonymous

    Anonymous Well-Known Member

    God Bless Niko. I hope he didn't suffer long in the Death Chamber :cry:
  3. God Bless. I just linked your webpage, what a doll baby! :cry:
  4. Anonymous

    Anonymous Well-Known Member

    Just Curious, even though I live in a tin can, I have noticed that SandyLewis, Jennifer Stanton, have been awfully quiet, where are the board bunnies???? Do they not care about Niko? They have been on the registered board, posting away. But again, since I live in a trailer, Im not the smartest or financially intelligent lady.

    Red White And Blue

    Those Colors DON"T RUN!!!
  5. Anonymous

    Anonymous Well-Known Member

    Niko's mom, the problems are many and varied. I'm not saying you are a terrible person because Niko got loose're just very lucky that you had such a forgiving neighbor and that Niko didn't harm a child.

    This story happens everyday in America and usually involves a child and a lawsuit ...not an accidental gassing. This story could have turned out so much worse for you! People with german shepherds and great danes in suburban subdivisions who don't (or won't) understand how easily and unpredictably one of these dogs can kill a child are the problem. According to the CDC approximately 4.7 million people each year are bitten by dogs, with 800,000 bites requiring medical attention ...THIS is the problem ...this should not be.

    I think you are focusing too much blame on the shelter and not enough on yourself. Niko shouldn't have been gassed, but he shouldn't have been in the shelter to begin with. Hopefully the shelter will learn from its mistake ...and hopefully you will too.

    PeterPan wrote:


    People like this are the problem.

    If animal control didn't have a heart, they wouldn't be cleaning up the disgusting mess that is the "pet industry".
  6. Anonymous

    Anonymous Well-Known Member

    With 60 plus animals being turned into the Johnston County shelter each week how in the world can you build a no kill shelter that is big enough? No kill is a nice thought but it seems to me its not physically possible with those kinds of numbers.

    Those of you who are promoting a larger shelter and no kill should also consider pushing for local laws that tighten up on the owners and require higher license fees for pet ownership to support all this. And you should also look at making spay/neuter as the base issue. Until that is addressed you'll be building ever bigger no kill facilities.
  7. Anonymous

    Anonymous Well-Known Member

    Lets get our ducks in a row....

    Town meeting next week. Tuesday the 12th. will post more info as I get it.

    I am working on a place to hold a private meeting to toss around ideas and hear each other out. If anyone knows of a place please let me know.

    To the Lady in the trailer: It doesn't matter where you are and where you live, as long as your heart is in the right place. You brought up a good point. The more publicity we can get, the more people who will hear us. The more people who hear us, the more hands we get to make our ideas happen!!!
  8. Anonymous

    Anonymous Well-Known Member

    You definitely made your case. :roll:
  9. Anonymous

    Anonymous Well-Known Member

    The Guest post above me makes a wonderful, valid point.

    This is the type is information we need to research and learn more about. The more knowledgeable we are about the current laws , the better armed we are to make a change. thank you!!!
  10. Ummmmm. no your wrong, "bunny lady".... 60 animals a week is NOTHING to get rescued!! If the dogs were being promoted with pictures on Petfinders, Newspaper Pet Of the Weeks, Posters, and volunteers working TOGETHER ALL 60 could actually be rescued. So yes, it actually COULD BE a no-kill shelter. Niko's HOUSE COULD AND WILL BE A REALITY!
    Check out Utah's BEST FRIEND SANCTUARY! Check out the North Shore Animal League, check out a small shelter in Kentucky. They do it, they DONT KILL! Your all a bunch of lazy negative people. If you don't want to help, just get off this topic and go away!

    Do you get a thrill out of dogs getting killed?????

    This is not about of the "bunny ladies"!

    this is about NIKO a precious, gorgeous, sweet baby german shephard and his family.

    Niko was killed in ONE DAY! I don't care if he bit a three legged miget with one eye! The law is the law! And the shelter broke the law!!! Someone mentioned that this could also a criminal case? That could be hearsay, but civil case is A MUST.

    Please family, update when the meeting or meetings will be. ty
  11. Guest

    Its great that the JCAPL are back posting!! We missed ya'all
  12. Anonymous

    Anonymous Well-Known Member

    First of all, what is with the "bunny lady" name? That is really strange and I don't see what it has to do with this topic.

    60 animals a week = 3,120 animals a year to be adopted. I don't see this area being able to absorb that kind of pet population year after year. It doesn't even include those pets that are coming from pet stores and and local breeders.

    You seem agitated every time someone mentions that fact that a nokill facility isn't a long term solution. Spaying and neutering IS the long term solution. Until you address that you are sticking your head in the sand and not considering the whole issue.
  13. Anonymous

    Anonymous Well-Known Member

    Re: Guest

  14. Anonymous

    Anonymous Well-Known Member

    And your saying that IT CAN'T BE DONE! There are two types of people in this world, negative sould (Like you) who don't think that wonderful things can happen. And the rest of us, who aren't afraid of hard work and will stop at NOTHING to make sure those animals are rescued.

    You obviously are not an ANIMAL LOVER! Why are you here?
  15. Anonymous

    Anonymous Well-Known Member

    Anyone wanna place bets on how far these blowhrds will go with things? I give it a touch over a month when it all falls apart and that's the last we hear of anything. You are such a sorry bunch. Adopt a highway, bigger facility, no-kill, such high aspirations from you buncha losers! When I say a month I just mean there will be a trickle post here and there, no real effort will ever come forward, outside of the irresponsible dog owner most likely sueing someone over what was his fault to begin with. Oh, they'll most likely follow through with that ($$$) But the rest of this will amount to nothing, a few meetings and then kaput!

    Bulley Guy and some guest are about the only ones that really have this situation pegged. Stopping the idiot from getting another dog should be your primary concern and he should just be so ever grateful that his neighbor wasn't me or I can assure you that I'd be cashing your checks for quite a long time. (and you still wouldn't have a dog)

    Just one more thought idiots, if he does sue the Animal Control, who do you think pays for that in the end? C'mon, turn those wheels, I see a light coming on, yep, that's right, the county! Aw heck, lets go one step further for the most of you, the county gets its money from where? Yayyyy, that's correct again, you and I. So, in a nutshell, this fellow sues, wins or settles and we pay for his "distress" because he let his dog attack.

    Hmmmmmph, so no, I'm not terribly sympathetic and neither is my wallet. On the upside, it sounds like he might be feeding off this buncha meatheads here, so it most likely will never go anywhere either.

    ...and no, there's no affiliation here with animal control, JCAPL or whomever, just someone that's able to see things as they are, which is a whole lot easier when your head isn't up your ass, try it!
  16. Anonymous

    Anonymous Well-Known Member

    I'm here because I have an interest in the topic and the last time I checked permission from you wasn't required to post here. Sorry you don't like different opinions but if you'd quit spitting hate for a minute and think of the big picture you might learn something.

    No I'm not saying it can't be done. I'm saying realistically that it probably won't be done. Making room for a constant flood of animals up for adoption is NOT a long term answer. Cutting that 60 a week down to 5-10 a week IS a long term answer and it will only happen with a serious spay/neuter program and local laws controlling breeding and pet ownership responsibilites. Those are the undeniable facts.

    There is also the fact that the current 60 a week being turned in are not all going to be suitable for adoption and therefore some WILL have to be put down.

    Take your blinders off and approach the facts of this issue. Your over emotional responses make you look unhinged and do nothing for your position. Have a nice day.
  17. Anonymous

    Anonymous Well-Known Member

    Ok people lets stop the name calling and get to the issue at hand.
    1. Yes there needs to be stricter laws about spay and neutering. Not a gestation in anyone's mind. Thank you for the idea however I think we all knew that already.

    2. When people say that adopting out 3,500 pets a year can't be done.
    I have to disagree we could travel around the state to different adoption sites every weekend.

    3. Now lets all just stay focused with all of that being said. The question here is how to make sure that innocent animals don't get put down "by mistake".
    So lets all concentrate on that please.

    4. This is why I love the USA. everyone can say what they want weather I agree or not. I don't get angry with comments that I don't agree with I try to get them back on focus.

    Now everyone PLEASE stay focused so other pets family don't have to suffer like Nikos.

  18. birdap

    birdap Active Member

    Peppercorn, I am so glad the dog we had that was abandoned by my neighbors has gone to such a loving family. I no longer have to worry about her. I can see that you and your parents will take good care of her. Thank you for that.

    My heart goes out to Nikko's family.
  19. Sandy Lewis

    Sandy Lewis Well-Known Member

    Board Bunnies, now whoever came up with that you should get a job in Marketing!! I love it!! If you thought that was derogotory, you got it wrong. I think I will change my name on here from my REAL name to BOARD BUNNY1. Maybe JenniferS can be BOARD BUNNY2.

    Sara, you do have a point, that we have been posting on the "registered" side. There we know who is who and neither of us have to be concerned with being attacked for our efferts by nameless "guests".

    Just b/c you don't see us posting over here doesn't mean that we are not working behind the scenes. As pet owners ourselves, we both feel awful about what happened to Niko, however arguing with people isn't going to help anything!

    Nothing can change the fact that an error was made. Instead of focusing on the terrible act itself, why not focus on ways tomake sure it doesn't happen again? That's part of what we are doing. And we are doing it with out having to publicise it or put our names on it in an effort to recieve special attention.

    If you feel you must continue to poke fun, go right ahead, to the owners of Niko and anyone else working for a solution, remember we are right here with you.
  20. Anonymous

    Anonymous Well-Known Member

    Don't these other areas of the state have the same problem? Spreading our unwanted pets to other areas of the state doesn't seem like an answer. I would suspect that each county is facing the same types of problem with animal control.

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