Johnston County Animal Control Strike Again!!!

Discussion in 'Cat Dog' started by Anonymous, Oct 5, 2004.

  1. Anonymous

    Anonymous Well-Known Member

    This is a very good question that I think lawmakers should be taking a harder look at. I think there should be certain conditions. Is the dog physically capable of doing serious harm? If breed is not a good indicator, then maybe weight and height should be. How close are other homes? How dense is the population? There needs to be a better system than what we have now. Right now it is legal to own several pit bulls in a subdivision with quarter acre lots and children in every household. Nothing against the breed, but this will have to be changed as Johnston county grows. I just hope it happens before a child is killed.
  2. Anonymous

    Anonymous Well-Known Member

    PEOPLE - how and why did this become a bashing group? The initial purpose of this discussion board was to promote humane treatment at the JCAS. What the heck has happened here? This did not start out as irresponsible pet owners, naughty dogs, he said/she said. Why can't we just be supportive of Peppercorn's endeavor to make the Animal Control a better place????? From what I have been reading, they are still in the 18th century, the place is hugely understaffed, something that must change, and laws put into place for humane treatment for the poor animals that wind up there.
  3. Anonymous

    Anonymous Well-Known Member

    I agree to that. But remember there are GOOD people like Sandy Lewis, who will post her name and never bash. Besides Sandy, there are alot of good people who are helping and want to help. I suggest that when there is a nasty comment, that everyone who wants to help, just ignore it. I know it's hard, but if we just ignore the post, and post constructive things, we will all accomplish somthing. Does everyone agree to this?? :lol:
  4. Anonymous

    Anonymous Well-Known Member

    Dear Guest - I certainly agree with you about ignoring these "nasty and negative people", but sometimes it is really hard to ignore them, since they seem to have lost focus on why this site all began, TO MAKE MUCH NEEDED IMPROVEMENTS AT ANIMAL CONTROL.!!!!! And to give these wonderful animals the BEST care and treatment as is humanly possible.
  5. Anonymous

    Anonymous Well-Known Member

    I try to ignore the stupid comments but sometimes I just have to shoot back. 8)

    Habitat for Niko!!!!!
  6. Anonymous

    Anonymous Well-Known Member

  7. Anonymous

    Anonymous Well-Known Member

  8. Anonymous

    Anonymous Well-Known Member

    Ok, we get the picture already. Go start Habitat for Niko and quit typing it every second. I checked with Non-profit licensing division for NC and you are not listed. Is this a profit group then? Who and what will our money go to? I would like to see a proposal or plan or something before I open my check book. Thanks.
  9. Anonymous

    Anonymous Well-Known Member

    What money??? People can have rescue groups and save animals without ASKING for money! Those are the true heroes
  10. Anonymous

    Anonymous Well-Known Member

    Dear Lord!!!

    Now the friggin' idiots are trying to discuss the psychology of why he did it? BECAUSE HE COULD, YOU STUPID BUNCH OF NITWITS!!!!. That's my entire point, a dog will do what a dog is allowed to do.

    Don't even throw out there that he was properly contained! He got out and they knew about it prior so it wasn't a freak thing or the first time!

    Answer me this Niko's owner, were you out there that day, just as soon as animal control pulled off, taking care of business regarding the fence?
    Actually, who cares, you knew before and it should have been taken care of already!!! You are a sorry excuse for a pet owner, just admit it, you shirked your responsibility and now it's time to pay the piper.

    Save me some time people and let me know the consequences for this, if those at animal control should have to suffer the consequences that you people have been so gung ho about, then so should Niko's owner. Don't be picking and choosing on things. I expect to see what happens on that front if you people are as good as your word.
  11. Anonymous

    Anonymous Well-Known Member

    While you are at it, are you checking the validitiy of other rescue groups on this board?????? Why are you constantly pointing fingers at NIKO's group?
  12. Anonymous

    Anonymous Well-Known Member

    In the post about the meeting is mention of Money

    Our immediate goals are to raise money to assist the animals.
    Nothing moves quickly in government but if we have some money in hand then we can be more effective when the time is ripe then if we stand around saying that we have nothing. We will be planning a fundraiser. What it will be is still up for grabs and I welcome any suggestions that anyone may have.

    Planning is very important. We all have a lot of research to do. I welcome ideas and suggestions from all. If you do not wish to post publically please feel free to email:
  13. Anonymous

    Anonymous Well-Known Member

    Already done :lol:
  14. Anonymous

    Anonymous Well-Known Member


    I have been reading page 1 through 48 for quite awhile, over the past 2 wks. plus the papers--'m really sorry about Niko, have dogs myself and love them dearly, but I have some questions and they are not being asked in a spitful manner or bashing anyone, I simply would like to know. How many of you bashing the Shelter and the enployees there actually knew where it was located before this happened to Niko or had ever been there and offered your services of any kind ???
  15. Sandy Lewis

    Sandy Lewis Well-Known Member

    This text has been removed
  16. Anonymous

    Anonymous Well-Known Member

    Your doing awesome too!! You go GIRL!! :wink:
  17. Anonymous

    Anonymous Well-Known Member

    Thank you for checking but no we are not there, yet.

    BEfore you can start asking for money you must be registered and have a place to put the money you do get. We are however; registered with the Federal Goverment. We have not collected a dime and if you had bothered to check, you would find that there is a fee for registering with NC. When I have that money then we will register. Unless of course you would like to pay that money for us. And feel free to make it out to the State of North Carolina, Secretary Office. We can't begin to have any fundraiser or anything untill that is complete. But I don't need to tell a pro like you that stuff.

    Neither the family or myself is making any money off of this. Since this is my only endevour at starting such a group, I am learning as I go. If everyone is so experienced and know so much why don't you help instead of getting on my last nerve.

    I am sick of you cowards hiding and not offering a lick of help. Shut your mouth and help. I do not claim toknow everything like some of you do. I am just one of a few folks trying to make a difference.

    When I get registered and everything else in order, I'll tell you where to send your money.
  18. Anonymous

    Anonymous Well-Known Member

    Wow I love this.
    This one did that and that one did this.
    Yea ok we all know what happened two weeks ago here at my house.
    Now the focus here is to make the animal shelter better for the dogs and cats that are there.
    Also I would love to see more animals getting adopted from there.
    So in the future I will do my best to see that happen also.
    Now most of us just don't care any more about "inadequate fencing" at this time.
    If you want to make that an issue write your local politicians and get tougher laws in place.
    Otherwise instead of bashing many good folks that are trying to make the animal shelter a better place why don't you shut up.
  19. Anonymous

    Anonymous Well-Known Member

    I thought we were all going to ignore the ignorant comments and immaturity on this board????? Just ignore these jerks. Please post when you will be starting your "private" Niko board. I will call you and hope you will let me join your group that you mentioned earlier.
    You go Mark! :wink:
  20. Anonymous

    Anonymous Well-Known Member

    Thank you. We will let you know.
    email us at

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