Rosie's time is over...

Discussion in 'Cat Dog' started by peppercorns, Feb 24, 2005.

  1. peppercorns

    peppercorns Well-Known Member

    I miss my Rosie and I know I always will,
    THank you all fro thoughts and prayers.
    Cleveland School Animal Hospital was wonderful with all involved during this terrible time. Thank you.
  2. Wayne Stollings

    Wayne Stollings Well-Known Member


    I missed the original thread, but I have been where you were and completely understand your feelings. We have a nice little collection of cat and dog "angels" inscribed with the name of our past pets. The last dog was a pound rescue Border Collie mix that lost her sight quickly after we got her. It was congenital and the optic nerves just died on her. We lived through the blindness for a dozen years until her hearing went, her joint pain got so bad that she seemed to be in constant pain, followed by various organs starting to slowly fail. One day it was time to let her go and be free of the pain. She was our younger son's pick (every boy needs a dog .. or so I told my wife) so he wanted to be there when we put her down. He, his girlfriend and I took her in for her last trip with a short detour through Micky D's for a small fries treat. It was all over quickly, but it took us a while to get organized to go back home. Her angel is in the flower bed at our new house. She never lived here with us, but there is still a link back.

    We now have another rescue that is a rat terrier mix and his "dog" which is an AKC miniature rat terrier to keep him company. Some friends had a rescued greyhound that had bone cancer and had to be put down after she broke her leg and we got one of the angels for them. There were some misty eyes at the placing of the memorial but they say it helps knowing it is there for Sarah. In fact they just got another rescue not long ago so there was some level of healing. It does happen but it takes time.
  3. Right2Be

    Right2Be Well-Known Member

    If you need anyone to talk to Peppercorns this website is was recommended to me after I lost my dog...

    They are always there for you to talk to ..
  4. Mark

    Mark Active Member

    My Rosie

    I have not had a chance to post anything here about Rosie because it just hurt to much. I know that the link I will be putting in here will make many people cry and I know one person will be Peppercorns so in advance sorry all.

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