
Discussion in 'Money Matters' started by mamax3, Jun 23, 2005.

  1. ncmom

    ncmom Well-Known Member

    FYI: When I was in Fuquay today there was a hand made sign along side of the road advertising a store closing sale for Winn Dixie. I plan to check it out when I'm over that way on Tuesday.

  2. frugalmomoftwo

    frugalmomoftwo Well-Known Member


    Thanks for the heads up! Let us know what you find out.

    Great job mamx3! I know what you mean about the freezer overflowing! We bought an extra freezer (at a yard sale, of course!) and it has taken care of that problem.
  3. robbie

    robbie Well-Known Member

    I saved the biggest amount by not shopping at all! :lol: :shock: :lol: When you buy all that junk food, and then you have to store it all in the freezer cause you can't possibly eat that much food that you think you saved on (unless you are all big people) and then you start cleaning out the freezer to throw some freezer burnt stuff out, what a waste. I just buy meat, salad fixings, and fruit, milk, bread and eggs. I don't think I need to be clipping coupons for cookies, cakes and pies. :lol: :lol:
  4. Southernborn

    Southernborn Well-Known Member

    So when is the next workshop?
  5. Dawn

    Dawn Well-Known Member

    Well guys, one of them slipped in.....let's not turn this into "one of those treads"................JUST IGNORE ROBBIE.................and we will keep this a beneficial thread and not one of junk.

    Oh, BTW....this was one of his/her thread responses to Weight Watchers......again, (I believe) she is just trying to be a provoker.

    "Congrats to you two. Exactly what kind of low carb stuff do you guys snack on. That is my weekness, but I don't know what to eat and I hate raw vegetables! What other foods do you cook for meals, I hate the feeling of being hungry all the time. "

    Doesn't really match up does it??
  6. Cleopatra

    Cleopatra Well-Known Member

    And it's not the first time. :wink:

    I just wish I had bought MORE stuff last week during the triple coupons... WHY didn't I buy two tubes of diaper rash ointment???
  7. frugalmomoftwo

    frugalmomoftwo Well-Known Member

    Southernborn, The next workshop is this Sunday from 2-4 pm. If you think you can make it just send me a PM and I will get the info to you. :D

    Cleo, I know what you mean! Even after all my stocking up this weekend, I still had some great coupons I could have used. Maybe Kroger will take a turn in the next couple of weeks.

    FYI - Did you see the coupon for the FREE Sally Beauty product in the Eckerds Sunday flyer? The product is flat out free - no other purchase required. That's a VERY unusual coupon.
  8. Anonymous

    Anonymous Well-Known Member

    where do you guys get all these wonderful coupons? guess i should attend a workshop.
  9. Southernborn

    Southernborn Well-Known Member

    Darn, can't come this Sunday, we are having a party :( When will your book that explains it all be ready to purchase?
  10. frugalmomoftwo

    frugalmomoftwo Well-Known Member

    Projected publication is October. Thanks for asking. :D

    Tangerine, I get my coupons from all over. When I want alot of copies of the same coupon, I order them online from . I also find great coupons on E-bay auctions. If the coupon is doubled or tripled and I am saving $1.50 with a coupon I paid 5-10 cents for, I am definitely saving some money.
  11. mamax3

    mamax3 Well-Known Member

    I just saw an ad on TV for Winn Dixie 30-50% off all items. Also they are still doing the double coupon thing too.
  12. harleygirl

    harleygirl Well-Known Member

    Did I read this right or do I have too many meds in me? You PAY for coupons? Am I missing something? I would like to go to a class and I have a friend I would like to bring also, JS is having one soon right?
  13. frugalmomoftwo

    frugalmomoftwo Well-Known Member

    Yes, you can order coupons online. When they are doubled or tripled you save well over the amount you spend to receive them. JS is not hosting a class. There is one scheduled for this Sunday, but no other 4042'ers have one booked after that.

    Went to Winn Dixie in Clayton. Food is at 30% off. They ARE NOT doubling coupons now. Found a few good deals, but without the double coupons, I can do just as well at HT or Lowes any day of the week.

    The 99 cent Hallmark cards are ringing up at 28 cents. That is a good deal!

    There were tons of people shopping and the food will not last long. If you plan to go, I suggest you do so today or tomorrow.
  14. ncmom

    ncmom Well-Known Member

    The sign on the building at the Fuquay Winn Dixie says 30%-50% off. It just wasn't enough to entice me into the store. :)
  15. JenniferK

    JenniferK Well-Known Member

    Hey frugal mom, what's involved in having a class? I mean, if I host it, does that mean it's free for me? What does it cost the people I invite?
  16. OneTalentedSista

    OneTalentedSista Well-Known Member

    I went to Winn Dixie in Clayton last night. People were going crazy! I was like look the prices at Winn Dixie is so high that even with the 30% discount on all the food, you can go to Wal*Mart and buy the same things for the discounted price and in some cases cheaper EVERYDAY! I guess it was the regular Winn Dixie shoppers who buy the high prices who are getting excited.
  17. tassy

    tassy Well-Known Member

    Does anyone have an info if there are any triple coupon events coming up anywhere? I just ordered some coupons from coupon clippers and want to make the most of them.

  18. frugalmomoftwo

    frugalmomoftwo Well-Known Member

    Hi Jennifer,

    Thanks for asking about a class! If you host a class, it is FREE for you and you receive other benefits including a gift basket full of food, bath, makeup and other goodies. You also receive other benefits. Take a look at: for all the details. Plus, you will have all your friends thanking you when they save so much money after the workshop! :wink:

    There is very little prep work on your part if you host a workshop. We choose a date and time. I supply the invites. You distribute them and call back those who have confirmed 2 days before the show. You can offer soda and a light snack (like cookies or muffins) and that's it. The cost to those attending is $10 each. If someone brings a friend, their cost is $8 and so is the cost for the friend.

    If you think you can get a group together of 6 or more people and want to take the workshop for FREE and get some nice freebies out of it, let me know. Those who take the workshop easily save the cost in their first trip using the system.

    Tassy, no info on any triples any time soon. It is rare that we get any advance notice. Usually we find out from the sales flyers when they come out.

    I agree with you, ncmom and onetalentedsista, they need to do some much larger markdows before there are any really good deals at Winn-Dixie!
  19. JenniferK

    JenniferK Well-Known Member

    Okay, explain this for me. Why would you do it for free for 6 or more people? Is there something to buy? Where do you make your profit?

    Not trying to nitpick, but to be honest, I bet I could round up 15 people who would come if it were free and I want to make sure I don't mislead anyone.
  20. tassy

    tassy Well-Known Member

    when I read it, I thought her to mean, if you got 6 other "paying" guests to come an take the course, yours would be free?


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