Email Editor Problem

Discussion in 'PC Help Desk' started by The Grinch, Aug 11, 2005.

  1. The Grinch

    The Grinch Well-Known Member

    Here's one that I just can not figure out!

    OK, I use Outlook 2002 (xp) with Word as my email editor. Have never had any problems. Yesterday it was working just fine...............

    Came in this am and started Outlook just like usual, downloaded my messages, and went to reply to one of them.......... I got the following popup - "This form requires Word as your email editor, but Word is either busy or cannot be found. The form will be opened in Outlook editor instead".

    So I xed out and opened Word 1st, then reopened Outlook, still did it............. So I put in my XP Office disk and repaired Outlook, still did it, checked for updates on the Office site......... downloaded XPofficeSP3..... and other securities, etc,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,............ still does it.............. checked all my options, customizations,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, still does it............

    I didnt upgrade or download anything last night ........... I have even scanned for bugs, viruses............ all up to date.

    Anyone have any ideas??????????????
  2. The Grinch

    The Grinch Well-Known Member

    OK first I have to admit that I don't even know what Monzilla/Thunderbird or OpenOffice are? (wow-that is frustrating on its own, as I like to think I am up on these things)....................

    I have Outlook set just so - you know all my folders w/i folders - can I convert OL to one of these other products and import my folders just the way they are.

    Secondly are these products superior or inferior?

    Also, Dev I notice you answer alot of these emails and I think I have read you do this for a liviing (to lazy now to look back and figure it out) but do you make office calls? if so what is your fee - you an IM/PM me your information - I may even need some website stuff done.....

    Thanks - Grinch
  3. appcomm

    appcomm Well-Known Member

    Two things I could suggest you might try.

    First, a lot of problems with MS Word (and thus Outlook when it is used as the mail editor) can come from a corrupted NORMAL.DOT file. That is the base "new document" file that Word opens initially. Do a search of your hard drive and find the NORMAL.DOT and rename it to: NORMAL.OLD. (Make sure that Outlook and Word are both closed when you do this.)

    When you restart Word, it will see that there is no NORMAL.DOT in existence and will recreate a fresh one.

    If that doesn't work, run your office install again and choose the "Custon Install" option. That will show you a listing of all the programs you are installing. On each of them (Word, Excel, etc.), select the option for "Run ALL from my computer." This will force an install of ALL components (which the "normal" express install does not do).

    I've seen this same thing happen pretty often when somebody will receive a document or spreadsheet that was created with a filter or some other function that wasn't included in the install of the receiving PC. You try to open this document and, because you don't have the feature it is referring to, it freaks out.

    Hope that helps!
  4. The Grinch

    The Grinch Well-Known Member

    I think that normal.old worked.............

    There is just one e-mail (the culprit from this am) that still gives me that message - but now the others do not.

    When I searched for the I had 4 two of which were kinda grayed out with ~$ in front of them (I assume that meant they were messed up) ..............

    So you are correct it must be something up with that one email.......... I will just cut and paste it into a new message and then dump it.

    Thanks Webbie..........!!! :lol:

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