It's a sad statistic and it's important for people to know so I'm posting it here, but in 2012 there were more soldier deaths as a result of...
So here's the it happens sometimes I have found myself a 30ish single mom saddled with a bunch of debt that I'd like to aggresively...
I just started taking a Zumba class down in the city of Garner and I love it, but I know that there are classes in the 40/42 area as well and...
I didn't realize that trying to find gray baseball pants for my son would prove to be so difficult! :banghead: He needs a youth small and I can't...
I only make such an obnoxious personal announcement because I know I have read threads where they were being discussed. I love them! I had them...
Anyone play locally (and legally)? 8)
I have 97 Honda Accord that is on her last legs. 200k and the brakes are screaching and whining REALLY bad when I back up. I had a friend look at... Have you seen Stella? If so, please PM me ASAP and I will put you in touch with her...
What an amazing teenager as well :hurray:
My building just shook downtown and apparently people felt it all over. Haven't been able to access any news. SO SCARY. Especially up here this...
There was a thread a while back about this place, but no reviews. My twin brother got me a spa gift certificate for my birthday (how awesome is... Please pray for the soldeirs who have...
Anyone else have trouble with their AT&T internet connection going out after storms? It's happened to me twice now that after a good storm the...
Has anyone done the trivia night at either the Clubhouse or the Drafthouse? I've only done live trivia downtown at Tir Na Nog. My friend and I are...
For personal reaons I am LMAO about this and all I can say is that birds of a feather (or should I say poor character) flock together, but it's...
My son is going into 1st grade next year and would really like to join a cub scout troop. I always figured his dad would take care of this, but...
I just moved into my new house in December and got set up with internet with Time Warner. They supplied, modem, router, etc. and came out and set...
I have a good friend who is considering moving to our area and Dixon Road is one of the schools her daughter may be going to depending on where...
Contrary to popular belief I am not hitting the bars and picking up strange men to sleep with as my pasttime. I have started dating a great guy,...
Separate names with a comma.