Found beautiful black male German Shepherd on Guy Rd. & Winston Rd this morning. He was just laying there. He is an older dog and appeared to...
Our company is downsizing and I have 7 pc's with XP on them. I have the old monitors too. Is there a burial ground for these? I am not even...
Does anyone have any experience with this surgery, and if so, can you recommend someone in the area who can do it? Thanks in advance!
Does anyone here have any experience with or knowledge of gluten free beers. Where to buy and which are the better tasting ones? TIA! :cheers:
We're located in White Oak Plantation off Guy Road. We had a dog sleeping on our porch this morning when we got up. He's got brown and black...
I've been listing some of my furniture on Craigslist. I'm aware of scams, but wondered about a response I got today. The guy said that he and...
Join the fun!
This application was downloaded on my laptop over the weekend. I have no clue how it go there, but I know it's bogus. I have McAfee and it never...
Has anyone tried accessing movies via their Wii? Just wondering how all that works. Any tips?
I have a navy blue dress w/ a white collar I want to wear...I can't find any navy blue shoes. What color shoes would go with this dress? Black?...
Can anyone recommend someone in the Clayton area who does taxes? Thanks!
Is there anything over the counter that I can use to treat my dog for these? I've already called Robinson Vets and they request that I take a...
So, what do you think? Do you think it's good to live together before getting hitched?
Yeah, it's a little long but what a wonderful story. Please read it'll be glad you did. They told me the big black Lab's name was...
You've been invited out with a friend. They are covering the tab. Service is great, food is fine, you're having fun. :cheers: The waitstaff is...
I refinanced my house on Friday. In the paperwork it stated that my amortization schedule was attached. There was one, but it was a sample. Is...
Hi, has anyone out there used one of these mops? Is it easy to use...worth the $35.00...clean well?....or should I just keep on mopping with the...
I accidentally deleted this program from my computer and need it for work. I know it's on my windows XP disk, but how do I install that w/o...
Just some public info here about this product. The link is to snopes so that you know it isn't a hoax....
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