I use Ram Rent All in Clayton for my son's parties...919.359.2211. Chairs are like $1 a piece and tables are like $8 or something like that....
We used Carolina Custom Builders in Raleigh. They did 100% financing. I didn't shop around but was pleased with the job and the price. kw
You can also try Matthew Thomas at 910-609-1700 (Carolina Wholesale Assoc.) He does all types of flooring. He put our carpet down for us on 2...
I had heard she moved to a boarding place off of Old Drug Store Rd. I wasn't able to find her though. Must not be hurting for business, because...
Had the same thing happen to me. I used H&H Body Shop on Guy Road. Tim Hardee is great to work with and does excellent work. I was also...
We have a pool and my neighbor has a large pond in the back. His fish, frogs and turtles aren't eating ours. Instead they are feeding off my...
Anyone here have a mosquito magnet in your yard? I'm not talking about your kids. I already have that kind. I'm looking for some feedback on...
I went to 2 Cousins Pizza last night. There is a sign on the door that says as of 9/10 they are asking the customers to refrain from smoking...
Does anyone know where Pet Perfection is moving to?
West Hauling Services 919.989.9055 if you get the answering machine, leave a message, the owner is in and out throughout the day.
We got ours from BJ's. It is not as nice as some of those from the other places mentioned. But it is nice and serves its purpose. Having only 1...
Brandi at Two Friends in Clayton cuts my son's hair. I have referred her to other friends with kids. She does a good job with them. She doesn't...
Has anyone heard any updates on Melissa?
Separate names with a comma.