Here's one: While the lottery meets its revenue raising goals, cuts elsewhere in... Johnston County would lose more than 100 teaching positions and...
No it doesn't. Oil has not gone up $2.50/quart in one year. That's why I was asking. I called TAG. They quoted $36.22 for up to 5 quarts.
Why has the price of an oil change gone up so much over the past year? I thought it was just my mechanic, so I decided to shop around today. The...
Mr. V is one of the best principals around, but you should always stand up for your child until you get what you want. Pulling their kids out of...
This is a great idea especially for the teachers with school aged kids. Instead of a movie you could also give a Blockbuster gift card for one...
They couldn't bear the thoughts of working with a Republican majority. What were some of the things you think were done wrong? I think there was...
Dr. Parker announced his resignation. Three others will follow. Probably more after the new board members start ruffling feathers....
I have received information that members of the school board are attempting to extend the superintendent's contract and give him a raise before...
CoverMyFloors, Inc. 662-0243 These guys are as trustworthy as it gets, and have several decades of experience.
It is a long meticulous process just like filing your taxes that has no relevance to helping kids learn. The scoring is based on the OPINIONS of a...
Let's be honest though. These are not the "kind of people teaching our children" as the title says. No doubt there are some bad apples out there,...
The problem just left as mysteriously as it came, and I haven't done anything different to the setup for several months. When I restarted the...
I have TWC and the modem keeps going down about once a day. It is so aggravating! I am always able to unplug the modem, wait a few seconds, plug...
Has anyone here ever used a waveguide antenna for wifi? If so, is there a difference between USB vs. expresscard when connecting it to your...
Why the need to know? The NBPTS process is like filing a long complicated tax form. The results are based on subjective evaluation by exalted...
Is anyone here a member of a local CSA farm? CSA = Community Supported Agriculture Here are two in the area: - Cleveland...
Wow, you guys really know how to slap someone back to reality. LOL Over the past 15 years I've been a construction superintendent. I don't know...
What's the best way to go about making a mid-life career change to IT? Specifically network administration or security.
Separate names with a comma.