100 Action Verbs To Avoid On Your Resume By now, most people now the value of action verbs for energizing a resume. But be careful - not all action verbs are created equally. While there are plenty of guides that list action verbs to use, they never bother to tell you the action verbs to avoid. Below, we offer a list of 100 action verbs to avoid on your resume. Abandoned Absconded Angered Arrested Bankrupted Blocked Blundered Botched Broke Bungled Busted Cancelled Closed Clowned Complicated Compromised Consumed Crippled Defrauded Degenerated Delayed Demoralized Derailed Destabilized Destroyed Discouraged Disobeyed Disrupted Dissolved Distorted Dropped Embarrassed Enraged Erred Exaggerated Failed Followed Fouled Frustrated Fractured Flustered Goofed Help up Hesitated Humiliated Ignored Incapacitated Indicted Infuriated Instigated Jailed Lied Liquidated Lollygaged Mangled Misguided Misbehaved Miscalculated Misfiled Misidentified Missed Misstated Mistook Muffed Neglected Overcalculated Overestimated Overlooked ****ed off Postponed Ravaged Robbed Rumored Ruined Scared Screwed up Shredded Sidelined Slept Slowed Sneaked Stalled Stole Subverted Sued Ticked off Underestimated Undermined Vilified Violated Wasted Wavered Weakened Withheld Wrecked Zapped