18750000 is the high score on Star Quest. Five people have tied for high score. #6 on the list has only 30430 (which is still twice my personal high score) I refuse to believe or accept that the top five came by their score through honest game play. There must be something wrong with Star Quest "Hall of Fame"
Not really "hooked" but that is the kind of game I like to play and am ususally pretty good at, and I'm getting no where. I'd be REAL curious to know how someone got such a score. 8)
I am hooked. But, there is something wrong with the scores. On Friday I scored 21,000+ and was listed in the scores, but then on Saturday, when I played on my home computer, I wasn't on there anymore. I have been sucked into that game though. I just can't get the high score and it's killing me.
yup...addicting... so why do stars get locked? haven't figured that out yet, or should I say...read the directions.
Correct - in several of the games it appears somebody has figured out how to artificially inflate the scores. We are working to locate the bug and block this from happening. In the meatime, we have "zeroed" out the high score list to clean out the bogus numbers. A side note - below is a count of how many times the various games have been played. Number of times played: ======================= Bouncing Balls - 73,732 Solitaire - 36,042 Lander - 11,263 Star Quest - 11,056 MiniGolf - 3,937 Sudoku - 2,837 Tritris - 1,800 Ringtoss - 1,623 We should be releasing another new game this week - watch for it! 8)
The locks appear as you move to the higher levels to make it more difficult. The faster you are, the less likely the locks appear - if you pause and take more time to find the star "matches", then you'll see more locks appearing. 8)
Dear Webbie, In case you have forgotten, I still hate you :lol: BUT... I am very thankful to you for clearing out the cheater's scores!!!! (p.s. I am quite certain if on game 427 of my career the white balls would have disappeared as they should have I would have gotten the high score. Don't you think that's possible?!?!?) Thanks for yet another addiction... ssmm
Thanks to Clif and Webbie for clearing the scores up. I, too, have been amazed and have tried to see how close I come. I figured someone had fixed those high scores. I love the new Star Quest game but still have to open Internet Explorer to play...which makes me mad (I like Mozilla). My favorite is still the Bouncing Balls or Snood as it used to be called. I play these when I get bored because I just cannot sit and watch the tube or whatever. Sherry
there was a glitch in the star game....the white stars stop counting as groups on three as you increase in levels. Watch and you will see.
I too have to open IE to play star quest. I can play bouncing balls in Mozilla. Still can't play ring toss in either. Im just not puter savy i guess