2 cousins pizza @ mcgees xroads

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by 2cpizza.com, Sep 5, 2007.

  1. 2cpizza.com

    2cpizza.com Guest

    hey everyone just wanted to give you the correct info. regarding the headlines in Tues. the cleveland/ clayton herald.

    they had a front page article regarding the middle creek commons shopping center that will be on 50/42 that included FALSE information regarding my business.

    2 cousins 1st location has been at mcgees crossing shopping center for almost 5 years and we plan on staying in the community.

    on tues. i spoke with sarah mcneil who wrote the article and was misinformed by her resources. she and the herald have since corrected their web site and will print a retraction in fridays issue.

    -to set the record straight 2 cousins has a location at mcgees crossing on highway 210 and i-40. to try and serve you better we have taken in the suggestion and started a website for this location which is

    you can also find our contact info through the 4042 business directory

    - we have our 2nd location in angier on highway 55 right across the post office. that location can be reached at 919-639-5400. the angier location serves only beer and wine

    -we are opening a 3rd location
    which will be and is named "La Piazza" Italian Restaurant

    "La Piazza" in Italian means the town square/meeting place

    -to serve you better the 3rd location will have a full bar
    - it is planned to be a formal atmosphere
    - an upscale version of our food venue
    - we want it to be your retreat on a night out with or without the kids, on a dinner date, or a business meeting

    for those of you who know me, carlo, you know that i care about my community and apologize in advance with any confusion this may have caused.

    -i would like to thank jodi from medicap for asking me about the article and bringing it to my attention

    -i would also like to thank steve and his wife my neighbors at mcgees from steves bagel for advising me the false info was also on a thread

    - and for the many concerned customers that have asked if everything was okay because of this article

    my family and i are happy to be here and it's nice to know that the community was concerened for our interest and we thank you for it

    we look forward to serving you in the future

    thank you again for all of your concerns
    carlo from 2 cousins
  2. kaci

    kaci Well-Known Member

    Ok, so you mean the La Piazza is going to be in the 50/42 center or did i read it wrong???

    BTW, hope you are still enjoying your pool;):-D
  3. peaches

    peaches Well-Known Member

    Thank you for letting us know you'll be staying in the neighborhood!! We were so disappointed to read that you'd be relocating, but thrilled that instead you will have a brand new location. Love that NY pizza and everything else! :) See you soon!!!
  4. PoohBear

    PoohBear Well-Known Member

    Thanks for the update. You would have more business if you could do something about the smoke. You have great pizza but we will not put up with the smoke atmosphere.
  5. kaci

    kaci Well-Known Member

    But if he is going to serve alcohol, you will have smokers. You can always get it togo, ya know:lol::lol::lol:

    It is kinda like LaCarettas (sp?), we used to love to go in there, have a Margarita or whatever but the last time we went they informed us there was not a smoking section anymore so we left and have not been back. You have to cater to both groups.
  6. zookeeper

    zookeeper Well-Known Member

    Carlo, so glad you aren't leaving 210/42 ! I was heartbroken! Where is La Piazza going to be? Is that what is going in at 50/42?

    Keep us informed - an upscale Italian eatery is just what me and hubby would LOVE to have nearby.
  7. 2cpizza.com

    2cpizza.com Guest

    hey kaci yes we do love our pool - just wish i had more day time hours to enjoy it

    yes we are staying at 40/210 and are adding another restaurant-

    La Piazza will be in the shopping center with the Lowes supermarket on 50/42
    we are trying to create a different environment

    in regards to smoking we are definatly trying to accomodate all of our customers - as you all are valued

    for some time now i have had a new policy for a while to try to cut back on the smoke
    no employee including myself smoke in the store - which definately made a difference
    also we only have 4 table that are in the "smoking" section and we only have 2 ashtrays

    in angier the dining room in completly different, it technically has 2 rooms
    the smaller one is for smoking and the non-smoking section doesn't even get
    effected by it

    in regards to the new restaurant La Piazza we are in the final phase prior to receiving keys and when we complete what we need to do after all is said and done i'll be able to figure out the best way for everyone

    we hope everyone will enjoy the end result we are even adjusting the menu
    by adding a few different things but again many of the fine details haven't been figured out yet

    thanks carlo
  8. tassy

    tassy Well-Known Member

    Flipside is plenty successful and they don't cater to smokers, the best they'll do for a smoker is show you the deck. Don't ever move to Massachusetts... all restaurants and bars are nonsmoking unless you are specifically a "cigar" bar, it's such a change to come home not smelling like an ashtray.

  9. softballmom

    softballmom Well-Known Member

    I haven't eaten there for years, as my asthma has progressed to the point that I cannot stand any smoke. Loved the food, especially the pizza and chicken alfredo, but not worth an asthma attack.
    If you have smoking in your resturaunt, you do not have a no smoking section, I'm sorry. People who smoke don't realize this. People who don't smoke know it all too well.
    Love your food, but have to stick to strictly no-smoking establishments for my health. Fortuantly, there are more and more of them!
  10. PoohBear

    PoohBear Well-Known Member

    Sorry Kaci but not a satisfactory answer. We have plenty of choices to dine-in in a atmosphere that we can live with. 2 Cousins Pizza is not one of them. The comment "we have 4 smoking tables and only 2 ash trays" is his solution? Hello, smokers do not require a ash tray. They put their ashes elsewhere and their 2nd hand smoke in our faces. I am glad 2 Cousins Pizza has all the business they need. They just won't get our business and as apparent by other poster's comments their business also.
  11. Southernborn

    Southernborn Well-Known Member

    When I smoked, I never smoked in resturants or sat in the smoking section (I couldn't even stand the smell). I'd always wait until after dinner and walk outside to enjoy my smoke. Now, if I was at the draft house or somewhere like that at a bar, then I'd smoke inside, but not at a regular restaurant. I can tell you in RTP you'd be hard pressed to find any resturant that allows smoking inside, but they do have ashtrays, etc. outside.
  12. KellBell

    KellBell Well-Known Member

    ME TOO, when I smoked....I hated it, the smell, (never smoked in my car or house either) and became addicted to Listerine strips and spray....ughhhh....I never smoked inside restaurants unless it was a sports bar. When I lived in LA, there was NO SMOKING inside any business or restaurant and that was back in the early 90's. It's only a matter of time before smoking is banned from all restaurants.
  13. God'schild

    God'schild Well-Known Member

    Well I've eaten at Two Cousins PLENTY of times and I don't smoke. I've seen customers smoke but it has never "floated" over to my table. It's never been an issue. I really don't think it is as bad as some people make it out to be. And the person who stated that Two Cousins won't be getting their business are only opening the doors for FIVE new ones who appreciate GOOD FOOD and aren't as picky!!!! WOOOOO HOOOOOO!!!
  14. KellBell

    KellBell Well-Known Member

    Exactly.....most places have their smoke 'contained' for the most part....as long as it doesn't 'float' as you say, to my table. There are only a few that are dreadful...like the Draft House....Ilove to hang out in the bar area.,..but it's just way too smokey....so we go to the other side....I am not NOT going to go to a place because they let people smoke, that's ridiculous...be missing out on ALOT of good food. :-D
  15. Sammie

    Sammie Well-Known Member

    Two Cousins is so good!!!!!!!! My DH and I eat there at least1 or 2 times a week. Carlo is the such a sweetheart and Jessica is one of the best servers I've ever had! As for the smoking, and I am a non smoker, it doesn't "float" over to you. Carlo, your place has the best pasta and pizza and I can't wait for La Piazza to be open!
  16. le

    le Well-Known Member

    Have not tried 2 c's yet. Really thought there was gonna be a coupon somewhere within this thread!?!?
  17. Rostrawberry

    Rostrawberry Well-Known Member

    I believe there is coupons on his website and they usually come in the Clippers.

    Great place to Dine and the food is excelente :)

  18. Southernborn

    Southernborn Well-Known Member

    I've never had their food. I've always heard it was yummy. McGee's is too far out for me, but I'll be looking forward to the new location!

    When do you think it'll be open?
  19. Southernborn

    Southernborn Well-Known Member

    That sounded like me as well.

    I can say I do understand why some people can't be in resturants where people smoke. I know people that have severe allergic reactions to smoke and have lung diseases and can not be around it at all.
  20. ddrdan

    ddrdan Well-Known Member

    Last year North Carolina put $186 million in the state coffer from cig taxes and law suit money from the cig industry. So the next time you bad mouth a smoker please give them the $30 they saved you in taxes that you did not have to pay this year.

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