2 Great Pyrenees LOST (Goat dogs)

Discussion in 'Cat Dog' started by Kelyel, Mar 3, 2008.

  1. Kelyel

    Kelyel Well-Known Member

    I have a goat producer that had their guard dogs leave the pasture
    through an inadvertently left open gate. They are two Great Pyrenees.
    One big male and one young female. They are good guard dogs and are in a
    breeding program.

    They were last spotted Wed. Feb27, being coxed into a white minivan near
    Smithfield on Hwy 70 east. We believe they may be east of Smithfield. If
    you hear of someone trying to sell two big dogs or say they found two
    dogs please contact me so I can have the owners follow up.

    These are not pets but real working dogs with a great deal of value as

    Thanks for your help.
    "Ron Hughes" <ronald_hughes@ncsu.edu>

    I posted this FOR RON -> *Ron is a JoCo Agri Axt. agent in Smithfield.
    Last edited: Mar 3, 2008
  2. JellyBean

    JellyBean Well-Known Member

    I am pretty sure I saw one this morning at 645am off Old Fairground Rd heading up to Hwy 210...I noticed because the dog was HUGE and white...and wanted to make sure I slowed down in case it tried to cross the road.

    I hope you find them!

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