2006-2007 Principal of the Year announced!

Discussion in 'Johnston County School News' started by Webmaster, Oct 31, 2006.

  1. Webmaster

    Webmaster Administrator

    2006-2007 Principal of the Year Knows Servant Leadership is Key

    SMITHFIELD-Selma Elementary School Principal Robin Herridge was named
    the 2006-2007 Principal of the Year at a banquet held Monday night.
    When Herridge took the reins of the old Selma Elementary School in
    2001, the 50-year-old three-story building was scheduled for demolition
    as part of the district's construction program to renovate or build
    new schools in the district. But the unflappable Herridge was so upbeat
    about having the opportunity to make a difference for students as an
    educational leader that she and her staff temporarily adopted the frog
    as their mascot even though the bumblebee was the official
    She told the Johnston County Board of Education during a
    presentation that she and the staff had researched the frog's physical
    attributes and found that its neck muscles would not allow it to look
    back. Thus, "forward and onward thinking" became the school's
    theme as they muddled through the demolition of the old school and the
    placement and use of more than 50 mobile units on the property. Always
    one to roll up her sleeves, Herridge ordered a golf cart but used it
    rarely and only when she needed to get somewhere on campus faster than
    her 5-foot-two frame would carry her.
    She participated in pep rallies dressed as a cheerleader,
    convincing even her male staff to dress as such in an effort to motivate
    staff and students. She beat the streets introducing herself to parents
    and community members, established long-standing partnerships with local
    businesses, authorized the development of a clothes closet and
    indefinite fundraiser, and shared the good news about her school's
    against-the-odds accomplishments.
    Since her tenure began, the principal has led the school to
    "School of Distinction" status, boasting a proficiency rate of 80
    percent or more. Using the Literacy First program, reading proficiency
    increased 7.8 percent in one year. That accomplishment captured the
    attention of television media and Education Week, a national news
    magazine that focuses on education across America. Education Week took
    note of the school's effective utilization of the Visiting
    International Faculty program, which places certified teachers from
    around the world in U.S. classrooms. As if that wasn't enough, CNN
    taped a segment at the school, featuring the VIF program at the school.
    Herridge was also named VIF Principal of the Year in Eastern North
    Carolina, recognizing her support of the Visiting International Faculty
    Assistant Principal Kim Brewer said it best when she told
    Herridge at a surprise event in her behalf at the school last year:
    "Our students are very lucky to have you because you love them. Every
    decision you make has their best interests at heart. You have that
    special way about you that inspires us to reach our goals."
    That's Robin Herridge: special, inspiring, Johnston County Schools'
    Principal of the Year.
    Herridge received $1,500 from the Johnston County Education Foundation,
    a plaque, and a bouquet of flowers. She'll also represent JCS in the
    Wachovia Principal of the Year competition.
    Robin has served in the Johnston County school system since the
    1998-1999 school year. She taught for four years before becoming a
    Principal Fellow, interning at Selma Elementary for one year, serving as
    Assistant Principal for two years and then being chosen to take the
    helm. Herridge said last night to the principals, "We are very lucky to
    work for the Johnston County Schools."

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