2009-2010 EOG scores released

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by dangerboy, Aug 5, 2010.

  1. dangerboy

    dangerboy Well-Known Member

    Honor Schools of Excellence


    Johnston County Schools
    Cleveland Elementary
    HE Hgh

    Johnston County Schools
    Cleveland Middle
    HE Hgh

    Johnston County Schools
    Johnston Co Middle College
    HE Hgh

    Johnston County Schools
    Johnston Co Early Coll Academy
    HE Hgh


    Johnston County Schools
    Powhatan Elementary
    HE Exp

    Neuse Charter School
    Neuse Charter School
    HE Hgh


    All of Johnston County

  2. dangerboy

    dangerboy Well-Known Member

    So it is OFFICIAL!!!... Neuse Charter School is a Honor School of Excellence! Composite score of 92.3.
    7th in the State for K-8 Charter schools.
    Congratulations to Dr. Harris, the staff and students

    DB's wife
    Last edited: Aug 5, 2010
  3. Melynda

    Melynda Well-Known Member

    As nervous as I am about my son starting the 6th grade soon ... I'm very excited that he will be attending a school that has enjoyed such academic success!! Way to go Cleveland Middle!!!
  4. Sherry A.

    Sherry A. Well-Known Member

    Pretty awesome. All involved, including kids and parents, should be very proud.

  5. Sherry A.

    Sherry A. Well-Known Member


    Thanks so much for posting this. I found it very interesting.


    P.S. How'd you like meeting the girl who holds the highest GPA in Johnston County, the other night? A 4.9 GPA is tough plus she did year round swimming, was on the high school swim team, dated, etc. Her mama stayed on top of her on academics and other items so she could get the Park Scholarship. She is also very humble about all of it, which makes is way more cool.
  6. CraigSPL

    CraigSPL Well-Known Member

    how do you get a 4.9 gpa?
  7. Sherry A.

    Sherry A. Well-Known Member

    She took AP classes, that bring the GPA up, and studied her butt off to get high scores. She was also able to do volunteer work, which added to her GPA. She had a hard time earlier in high school making those grades and would stay up way too late. Her mom called me at 3:00 am one morning very concerned. Seems she could not remember what she had studied. At first we thought it was because of late hours but thought she should be tested for any problems. Sure enough she had ADD and once that was diagnosed she was able to excel. Think about what she would have had if she would have been diagnosed earlier.

    I can always ask her mom the exact steps she took, if needed. Now, the younger daughter is another story. She has diabetes and likes to party a little. Her mom is talking to me about going a different route to help her get a scholarship, similar to what I did with my daughter.

    Amazing story from our own Johnston County Public School system. Work from within to change the system. That was a hard one for me to decide when I first put my daughter in school.


    P.S. The girl I am talking about also started college not as a Freshman. She is going on the Park Scholarship.
  8. CraigSPL

    CraigSPL Well-Known Member

    See the reason I asked was that when I was in school (yes that long ago) they offered AP classes as well, yet they didn't carry an extra GPA weighting, nor was there any volunteer work that added to the GPA. I know as I took many of the courses. I don't begrudge anyone for working their butt off to get good grades, but point blank there shouldn't be any extra GPA weighting. It's not going to happen in college, and doesn't lend alot of credit to the school systems that offer it IMHO.

    As to the ADD don't get me started on that.
  9. CraigSPL

    CraigSPL Well-Known Member

    There's no way us dumb redneck hicks could be that smart.

  10. dangerboy

    dangerboy Well-Known Member

    she was awesome. but like i said at the time, she's brilliant and has a 4.9 IN SPITE OF the school system, not because of it. jmho, of course
  11. ncmom

    ncmom Well-Known Member

    Volunteer work can be used to increase a GPA? How does that work? The more volunteer work, the higher the GPA?
  12. Sherry A.

    Sherry A. Well-Known Member

    I will find out more details from her mom and post them to clarify.

  13. Sherry A.

    Sherry A. Well-Known Member

    Yes, depending on the class one takes the volunteer work either must or can be done. I know my daughter received extra credit in some classes for volunteer work such as working at voting polls, being a Page for the NC Senate and such. Those credits must go along with a course the teen is taking. If a parent works with the counselor, teachers and child a lot can be learned about these programs. Some kids do volunteer work with the less fortunate, people in other countries and all and if worked correctly they can be counted as extra credit, if done through the school.

    Like I said in another Post, I will find out more details from the mom and will Post.

  14. Sherry A.

    Sherry A. Well-Known Member

    Her family learned and was very interested in getting her a full scholarship to college. In doing so they learned many things that can help bring the GPA up in our school system. It takes a lot of work but can be done.

    I don't think it is in spite of the school system I think it is parents and kids wanting to do certain things and needing full scholarships so they work hard toward those goals. If people are not interested in going that route then they will not know about how to get to that point.

    Like I said....my daughter just could not balance all of those things so we took a different route for her scholarship that was not offered nor looked at in her school. We actually went the opposite direction of most everyone else. We looked at where the jobs would be in 15 to 20 years, where they would be secure, what she is interested in and then looked for scholarships from those companies, government agencies, etc. That took a lot of soul searching, researching and paperwork. People would be surprised at how many scholarships are out there.

    My daughter's field and interest in where to work lead her to a full scholarship where when she sets foot on the college her retirement starts, health benefits, life insurance, etc. She will also get a salary for going to school, she had four schools in our state to choose from, and every summer she must work as an intern for that company/agency. If she decides she doesn't want to go into that field once in college she has the option to choose another Major or pay back the money for the scholarship.

    Any other questions on my daughter's scholarship should be done by private message as some items we are not aloud to discuss publicly.

    As I said previously I will get the details on my friend's daughter who had the 4.9 GPA in high school. db met her and so did KDs and I wanted to introduce her parents but that was not the time or place to go into all of that.

  15. Sherry A.

    Sherry A. Well-Known Member

    Here is a link as to what these students must accomplish before getting the Park Scholarship and afterward. It is tough: http://www.ncsu.edu/park_scholarships/2010annualreport.pdf

    Here is also a small bio on her: Johnston County
    XXXXXXX (nsert her name, daughter of XXXXXX insert parents names, Clayton, North Carolina. XXXXX insert her name, will graduate from Clayton High School where she is Captain of the Swim Team, Secretary of her Senior Class and Treasurer of the National Honor Society. She is also a Clayton High School Outstanding Senior, a College Board Advanced Placement Scholar with Honors, and was the Chief Graduation Marshal. XXXX insert her name, plans to major in a Pre-Medical curriculum.

    (I left off names until I talk to her parents about doing so).


    Good News

    State Board Senior Student Advisor Danielle Alston and Junior Student Advisor Brandon Young provided a joint presentation on "The Good News About Students." Alston and Young introduced four students with exemplary academic credentials who then provided insight into what made their public school experiences so successful and so important (support of teachers and parents ranked high). Presenting were Danielle Heider, West Johnston High (Johnston County Schools), who will attend UNC-Chapel Hill as a Morehead Scholar; John Lyon, Hillside High (Durham Public Schools), who will attend Harvard University; XXXXX name was inserted, Clayton High (Johnston County Schools), who will attend North Carolina State University as a Park Scholar; and Sarah Brown, Riverside High (Durham Public Schools), who will attend the Naval Academy. Also presenting by video was Shivani Sud, Jordan High (Durham Public Schools), who will attend Duke University. At the conclusion of the presentations, Alston reflected on her public school career and her service on the State Board, which she thoroughly enjoyed. She would like to continue serving on the Globally Competitive Students Committee. Board members presented each student with a plaque and a State Board mug.

    Pretty cool for Johnston County and the student involved. I am proud of her and her family and like I said before they are very humble. Also amazing that she was picked out of all those kids to be one of four to present "Good News".


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