my grandson starts 2nd grade and teacher assignment is ms. tyler. does anyone know is she is a good teacher? just wondering...he had a great teacher last year.(mrs. meyers) for 1st grade. thanks so much.
Glad you guys know who your teachers are going to be. Our school has not sent anything. I found out about orientation from the Webmaster. THANKS MR. WEBMASTER!!
Thanks. Glad to hear that. Mine has Mrs. Totten this year. She even has her supply list posted on her website...God bless her!!!
My second grader has Ms. Butcher and she has her supply list posted. Thank you Ms. Butcher! My first grader has Ms. Adams. I think she is new to West View Elementary.
You should have gotten a postcard in the mail last week with just the teacher's name on it. There are people at the schools already, some administrators, you could call.
Glad to see that Mrs. Totten is liked. My son will have her this year. Can someone give me her website? Thanks
My son (Daniel) is going to be in Mrs Tyler's class too! I'm glad you said she's great, what did you like about her? He knew some of the 2nd grade teachers but she wasn't one of them! I'm curious about the other kids in his class too, hope there's someone he knows in there. Can't wait for orientation next week!
I usually check the previous year's school annual to see if I know any of the kids in the teachers class so I can get the scoop on them. My son was a 2nd grader at West View last year and our class partnered with Ms. Tyler's class for field trips & the Fairy Tale ball. Ms. Tyler seemed to have a really sweet, fun personality. I'm sure your son will like her. In fact - most of the teachers at West View are REALLY great. There are still a couple of teachers I wished we could have stolen from Cleveland when the schools made the split - but I really think the staff at West View is wonderful. We are looking forward to meeting my son's 3rd grade teacher tomorrow night.
Thanks so much for the Mrs Tyler info! Unfortunately my mail just came and nothing from the teacher! I don't know if I've been forgotten or what, but I'll be in the hospital all day tomorrow with my hubby and would like to know something before orientation tomorrow! If anyone hears from her, would they let me know? Just want to know what's supposed to be brought tomorrow night, if anything? Thanks!
Have you tried emailing her? I know the teachers are super busy right now getting ready for school to start, so I don't know how regularly they are checking their email. However, I emailed my son's teacher and recieved a response the same day.
I did about 1/2 hour ago, I really hope I hear from her! I'm leaving at 2:30 and won't be back until 5, so won't be back until then. Wish me luck...
DMJMom, I didn't get anything from Mrs. Tyler today either. Good luck tomorrow and I will tell you if i hear anything but I am thinking we will get our info tomorrow evening in the classroom with her!
The best teacher any of my kids have ever had. She has become one of my dearest friends. She makes a point to go to some of their ball games, dance recitals etc when she can. All the boys will have a crush on her the first week. Mine did. By the way it is Miss Poole