3 teens in your area raised $700 for Drew Smith's mother, in his memory. I saw the post about the teen who was arrested and thought that this is noteworthy. My son helped. I will leave it to these 3 teens to provide further information as I don't have details and wasn't able to attend. I can say that i am proud that my son took positive action. I just wish I had more details to share.
Thanks he has a big heart. Drew's death was hard on him. He did take the driving class the county offered to teens. It may not be a lot of money but in a world where so many teens are driving carelessly, drunk, stealing money I thought this was a good thing to post.
Hey, listen. I am learning from all of you with older teens. I have a 15 yr old son at WJHS who just got his certificate for driver Ed. Now all he wants to do is worry me till I go the DMV and get him started for a permit. :lol: He is a responsible kid and I want him to get this done but I am apprehensive because he gets excited easily and I'm not quit that confident that he is ready yet. He has heard of all the tradgedy lately with kids and wrecks and we talk about it with him and try to make him understand the need for carefulness and responsibility. On a lighter note....he takes pleasure in letting ME know when I'M doing something wrong in the car
Well, the sooner you start letting him drive with you, the more experience he'll get. I know its a scary thought!! :banghead: But this is your chance to teach him his driving skills.. :lol: Good luck!
My oldest is about to be 17 and my youngest is about to be 15 so been through what you are going through and will be again shortly. With my oldest I was VERY happy that the permit is for 1 year now. I made him drive me EVERYWHERE so that I could keep a close eye on him and make sure he got plenty of driving time. Also, I guess I should mention that I made him learn how to drive a 5 speed first before I let him drive our other car which is an automatic. Once he got his actual license I still didn't let him drive very far mostly just around 40/42 and to his girlfriends house on 210/50. He had his license for about 7 months before I let him drive by himself to Raleigh. I make him call or text me when he gets somewhere and when he leaves. Mine likes to tell me when I am doing something wrong too...