3D Movies and Age

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by Clif001, Nov 2, 2012.

  1. Clif001

    Clif001 Guest

    My grandson has been begging to go see "Wreck-It-Ralph" for the past six months (ever since they started showing trailers). Now that it's finally in the threatres we can take him.

    He's four (just turned four last week). He does good in the theatre, as long as it's a movie he's interested in, so I see no problem for this.

    Me, I'm a huge fan of 3-D movies since they finally came out with the polarized glasses. I never did like the red/blue from back in the 50s, but today's 3D is much, much better.

    Now for the question...

    At what age do you think it would be ok to introduce my grandson to 3D? We haven't taken him yet because we're not sure if he'll be able to wear the glasses for the whole movie. He says he'll wear them, but I thought I'd ask y'all what your experiences have been so far.

    Another question (probably should be asked of the threatre manager). Do you think, if he doesn't make it past, say, 15 minutes they would let me exchange the 3D tickets for 2D at the next showing?
  2. Harvey

    Harvey Well-Known Member

    Some children cannot take the 3D effect regardless of the glasses (fidgeting, etc.). Even though Wreck it Ralph will not have a lot of mind-bending special effects, I would caution against it just because young minds probably do not need that much stimulation. I read an article about how their little brains cannot keep up with all of the information being sent to them at once in today's entertainment.
  3. Clif001

    Clif001 Guest

    Fair enough, but what age would be appropriate (I have grandsons ranging from the aforementioned four to thirteen)?
  4. Hught

    Hught Well-Known Member

    Hell, I am to the point where I would be willing to pay more for the 2D version.
  5. cynadon

    cynadon Well-Known Member

    we went to disney world last November. I saw kids of all ages in the 3d shows. My son and niece were 5 and loved it. It was funny watching all the kids reaching out to touch stuff! I don't think you'll have a problem.
  6. CraigSPL

    CraigSPL Well-Known Member

    Not an answer to your question Cliff, but a comment on the 3d effect.

    I can't watch a 3D movie even with the new glasses. 3D technology requires both eyes to work together to create a single image. Having been born cross-eyed I have a dominate eye and a non dominate eye that while I can catch visuals with both eyes my brain really only processes the primary image from which ever eye I am actively focusing on.

    IE....when trying to watch a 3D movie everything appears blurry to me, and once I take the glasses off and go back to a normal enviroment, everything still appears blurry for a bit of time.
  7. CanisLupis

    CanisLupis Banned

    Somewhat related....I just got back from Disney on Wed. My 8 year old and I decided to watch Captain EO in 3D starring Micheal Jackson. Disney brought it back following his death.

    I remember sitting in the same theater with my parents back in '86. It was kinda cool watching it again but this time with my own kid.

    Given the technology at the time, Captain EO was very good 3D flick.
  8. DMJmom

    DMJmom Well-Known Member

    I have 3 sons, ranging in age from 7 to 12. From our personal experience, it depends on the child. Years ago we took our boys to Disney World to the 3D experience there. My middle son was 3, and was terrified to the point of laying on the floor crying. I tried explaining to him that if he took the glasses off it would just be a regular movie, but there was no turning back. But he is also a timid, shy child in general. But the oldest was perfectly fine with it, and always has been.

    As far as fidgeting, I've noticed that if the kid is really into the movie, then they will do great. And honestly, will forget they even have glasses on. My youngest is obsessed with Spiderman, and when he went to see the movie this summer, I had more fun watching him watch the movie, than the movie itself!
  9. Harvey

    Harvey Well-Known Member

    From a digital entertainment standpoint I try to limit my child to shows that do not "bounce around" with erratic camera changes, loud noises, or fast graphics. They just can't keep up and if you want proof watch their faces during one of those shows. I aim for the calmer shows if there is TV to be watched at an early age.

    As for the 3D thing I would think 8 or 9 would be a good age, but it will really depend on the child.
  10. Lucky1

    Lucky1 Well-Known Member

    The last 3-D movie I saw with little kids was at IMAX and it was The Polar Express. They all seemed to enjoy it, as did my family. I didn't see anyone freaking out or having difficulty. It was fun watching the kids try to catch snowflakes and duck and cover at other times. I don't know anything about the movie you mention, but even at IMAX (huge screen/loud sounds), the kids did great!

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