Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by n4tcp, Jul 7, 2011.

  1. n4tcp

    n4tcp Active Member

    Last night a friend and I went to the McDonalds at 40/42 at around 9PM. It was a full 5 minutes before anyone came to the register. Then the conversation went like this:

    Us: I'd like a Mango Smoothie
    Asst Mgr: You can't have that
    Us: What flavor do you have?
    Asst Mgr: You can't have any Smoothies - I'm trying to get that machine cleaned!
    Us: Can I have a hot fudge Sunday?
    Asst Mgr: I don't care what you have! Is that what you want??
    Us: Yes please. And a Vitamin Water.
    Asst Mgr: You don't want any food??
    Us: No thank you.
    Asst Mgr: Well all right then!

    She had a TOTAL ATTITUDE! It was my friend ordering and he doesn't get flustered easily. If it had been me, I would have totally gone off.

    Anybody else have problems there or is this just somebody having a bad night??
  2. CanisLupis

    CanisLupis Banned

    Ever notice the chik fil a employees don't act this way?
  3. Allioop

    Allioop Well-Known Member

    Lol! Sounds typical of some fast food places. The last time I went to that McDonald's the service was awful. The people at the one in the Wal-mart are usually really nice.
  4. Harvey

    Harvey Well-Known Member

    That's because they put morals and character over corporate greed. Pay your people well, give them Sundays off, and keep the establishment a clean and safe environment and you'll reap rewards. Chic fil a does it correctly. I just wish I wasn't getting sick of their food.
  5. LovingLife10

    LovingLife10 Well-Known Member

    McDonalds and several other fast food chains are notorious for poor service. The McDonalds and Bojangles at Mcgees Crossroads NEVER gets my order correct, and it is not a difficult order. Last time at McDonalds I ordered a bacon egg and cheese biscuit meal. I ended up with a cheese biscuit and no hash brown. At Bojangles, I ordered a cajun filet biscuit with cheese and ended up with a grilled cajun filet sandwich. They need to get their stuff together because it is so frustrating!!!
  6. CanisLupis

    CanisLupis Banned

    Yea that's it....don't blame the individual....blame the "corporations."

  7. Harvey

    Harvey Well-Known Member

    I didn't say the individual was not at fault, but the workplace environment has a whole lot to do with it. Higher pay, better conditions, etc. makes for happier employees and allows you to attract better ones in the first place.

    What has an effect on wages and working conditions at an establishment? Corporate policy among other things.
  8. Jester

    Jester Well-Known Member

    Maybe there is something to the 'morality' aspect. I find that almost every Cook-Out has a friendly staff, quality food and great sanitation grades...just like Chick-Fil-A. Matter of a fact, I think I've got a taste for a big Cook-Out burger for supper. Huge Bacon Cheddar style...here I come!
  9. CanisLupis

    CanisLupis Banned

    I agree higher pay gets better employees. But, that isn't the same thing as blaming it on "corporate greed"....perhaps you should start with the fact McDonalds likely has higher overhead costs and may not be able to pay as much for all its store employees. They are a completely different business model than CFA.

    The free market is at work here. If you don't like the service, then go somewhere else. Sooner or later, McDonalds will want to know why its investment into that location is suffering for business. As long as people continue to tolerate such service, McD mgt will assume everything is fine. If the risk of dealing with bad service outweighs the benefit of cheap and fast food then they will suffer.

    CFA's food is a niche market and more expensive to prepare...thus....they know poor service will not be tolerated given the costs of their food vs a .99 cheeseburger that can be purchased at 5 competitors likely within 5 miles of any CFA..
    Last edited: Jul 7, 2011
  10. First off, there is nothing corporate about McDonalds or Chik-Flillet. They are franchise owned, at least in this area. Most of the McD's in this area are owned by Delores Hubener and her husband. I had a complaint before about the one in Clayton and when I called them I left a message and they called me back. Not much they could do about it after the fact but at least they listened.

    My point is that that the term "corporate" doesn't really apply to the fast food joints around here. I agree that the people they hire aren't always the cream of the crop, but at least those folks are working. There's a lot of people without jobs and some just sitting around collecting unemployment.
  11. tassy

    tassy Well-Known Member

    Call the management office and complain, thats what I do. Don't complain to the store managers, they just give you a free burger, the kid a slap on the wrist and brush it under the rug. If you call the management office and leave a message, in my experiences, someone does call me back. When they are getting enough negative feedback they'll start throwing a few area trainers in there to work with the onsite employees.

    I think the same management company owns the McD's on Hwy 70 in Clayton, the 4042 location, and the Shotwell/Battle Bridge Rd. location. There is usually a plaque on the wall near the register or a sign on the drive-thru window with the management companies information. They want to hear from the customers, good or bad.
  12. CanisLupis

    CanisLupis Banned

    I don't know a thing about franchisee agreements but I imagine there must be some level of compliance with corporate in order to stay open.
    Last edited: Jul 7, 2011
  13. Harvey

    Harvey Well-Known Member

    Any fast food joint (franchised or not) has to offer the products corporate makes them, maintain a certain level of service and buy their supplies from the corporation. This is how franchises work.
  14. Harvey

    Harvey Well-Known Member

    Yeah, one built on aggressive world-wide expansion and domination of the market to satisfy their shareholders...AKA corporate greed.

    Actually...McDonald's is a well run company, but sometimes you would never know when you step into one in some po-dunk town or inner city and are grossed out the minute you walk in (of course this could be any fast food joint).
  15. jjganny

    jjganny Well-Known Member

    I had a bad experience with a gentlemen(?)at drive thru window at Kenly McDonalds. I emailed corporate office, someone called me & apologized, owner called me & talked to me about 15 minutes. She said several times "I just can't believe he acted like that-he just had a baby." I am a older granny & had my 3 grandchildren with me. They were amazed that granny didn't act ugly but I was (1)shocked (2)biting my tongue. That happened April 6 & I have yet to go back to any McDonald's. My daughter & her family, my sister & her family, & several friends refuse to go there. Hey, too many Bojangeles around to be treated like that.
  16. CanisLupis

    CanisLupis Banned

    Wanting to be more profitable than your competitors is now called greed? That is ridiculous. What do you think would happen to McDonalds if their prices were higher in order to make up for the loss profits in the name of being "fair?" You think customers would suddenly line up at the door and voluntarily pay more?

    Besides, you should be glad McDonalds is making money hand over fist...that's more employment, more sales tax, more income tax, more property tax, more capital gains tax and even FICA. You just love dem thangs don't you Harvey? LOL Not to mention all the money paid to the vendors for the raw materials and cooking equipment which yields even more of the the things I just mentioned.

    Hell if we could just get them to put train tracks to each McDonalds you'd be in hawg heaven.
    Last edited: Jul 7, 2011
  17. Abdulina

    Abdulina Well-Known Member

    The McDonald's at 40/42 can not count past 10. I'm totally serious. Every time we obviously order more than ten burgers. Usually, 18 or so. They have yet to count correctly. The only reason we go, is my aunt gives us gift certs there here & there throughout the year. Otherwise, we're not real fastfood people.

    Speaking of bad Mickey D's, we were on vacation & had gift cards. Yep, same aunt. LOL. Anyhow, stopped off in one in VA. It was by far the WORST Mickey D's we'd ever been to. I wish I knew the name of the town. No, can't find the receipt. Started w/ a c though. Anyhow, it was lunch hour. Mgr. had a "newbie" on the register instead of himself. All of us waiting in line were appalled at the service. However, we all had to wait b/c we'd already ordered & paid for our food. Blind guy walks in w/ a service dog. NONE of the customers had a single thing to say about the dog b/c we all knew. Dog is CLEARLY labeled service dog as is the owner. Anyhow, mgr. says to the guy the dog is not allowed in here. All of us were stunned! Guy pulls his tag from around his neck & says sir, this dog is allowed more places than I am! Great response. Customer comes up. I ask him what's wrong. He said I have a bunch of wrong drinks. He had a large family too. I said those are ours. Hey, let's trade ourselves otherwise it will take another 30 minutes to fix this. No, they hadn't drank from them. It was obvious they were wrong. Next, no ketchup or straws at the station. So, I ask the gal holding up the wall. Her response: "I'm not on the clock." I was fuming at this point. I said "well, can you get someone who is?!" I was sarcastic as well. See, I used to be a restaurant manager & nothing burns me more than lazy employees standing around during a lunch rush. In my restaurant, they would have been fired. The laziness & just attitude of some employees I see nowadays is ridiculous. No way would I have let my employees talk to people that way. No way! In case you're wondering, I think it was around 25 minutes to get our food at that McDonald's. It was so bad the customers were turning other customers away at the door saying you don't want to come in here. Go to Hardees down the street. that's when I wished we'd had a video camera. Glad we rarely do fast food.

    Stephanie-- mom to 7 (soon to be 10!!!)
  18. dangerboy

    dangerboy Well-Known Member

    not exactly on the subject but its customer service related...

    i called this rental company in the mountains to see if she knew of an really inexpensive cabin i might be able to rent. she asked my budget. when i told her her reply was, "You have got to be kidding me. That's not even worth my time."
    Now Ive been in the service industry for 20 years. i have thought this same thought this same thing many, many times but i would NEVER say it outloud to a customer!!!! I told her she didnt have to be rude to me. she reply, but...its just...i was just trying...i hung up on her. not worth my time.

    DB's wife
  19. markfnc

    markfnc Well-Known Member

    reminds me. back in 1993 we were looking for new cars. We lived in Rolesville at the time, and I was driving to Ft Bragg every day. So i would get home around 7, then head out to test drive a car a night. that night we were going to Thompson Cadillac Olds on WF rd. We were wanting to drive a Cutlass. we went on the lot, got the number off the mirror of the one we wanted to drive and went in. told the saleman we wanted to test drive #????. he said when are you planning on buying. i said in the next month. he said "then your wasting my time we close in 30 minutes." I said "i'm not wasting your time" and walked out. he ran after us and said we could drive it. i left. i wrote the genenral mgr a letter, and then 2 weeks later sent the GM and sales perspon a copy of the window sticker off the car i bought.
  20. markfnc

    markfnc Well-Known Member

    there is one worker at the 40/42 mcdonalds. when he is there he offers great customer service, and the whole place runs better.

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