I would like to ask anyone with a 5th grader a question. My child is in 5th grade at Dixon Rd. and except for the math tests, ALL the tests are open book. I was wondering if this is how all the elementry schools are testing or if it is just Dixon Road? Thanks!
What kind of test?? My son is in a Wake County school, but they don't do ANY open book test. It may just be different considering we are in a different county......
Yes, I asked the teacher and was given a reason about the open book tests but wanted to know if other elementry schools in Johnston county were doing same thing. I didn't agree with the reason. These are open book tests in social studies, science, and reading. Basically every quiz or test given to the kids in everything except for math and spelling.
what was the answer that you didn't agree with? and just so you know, it continues into Middle School too.
Girlfriend these are different times our kids are growing up in. Just wait till they go to the Middle School and are allowed to use a calculator on a math test! It is surprising that ALL the test are open book but not that your child is having open book test.
mine are in middle school...haven't had the calculator allowed yet...they are in 6th. Also, 'open book' does not mean it's easy....they (the teachers) have so much information to pack in their (our children) heads and very little time to do it.
KellBell is right...Just because they are open book doesn't mean it's easy. I know a child that will remain nameless who failed an open book test.:cry: And you never said what was the reason your teacher gave you for all the open book test.
I know two that will remain nameless and live with me 8) that didn't do so well on an opened book test...:banghead:
I never said I thought open book tests were easy or hard. I only wondered if this was the way all Johnston County 5th grades tested the kids. That fact that I don't agree with the reason they use open book all the time isn't the issue.
We didn't say that you did say it was easy or hard we just commented to each other about OUR children.
wait till middle school! I can't believe half the garbage there. I have one who is allowed to take tests till they pass them. URGHH!!! They are learning to be lazy. And I know I'm going to get reemed for saying that but I don't care. I tell my kids you need to learn it, not just memorize it for some test. Talking about EOG tests here. When I pulled my 2 out last year to homeschool, they were so obessed about EOG's that I didn't give them as scheduled. I waited and said it's okay, we're going to learn some things, not just study for a test. Homeschool, you have up to a year to test them from the time you pull them out. There are all kinds of records/ guidelines/ etc. we have to keep. But when they were first pulled out, they were only consumed w/ the EOG testing. Nothing else. NEver talked about doing experiments, or doing unit studies. The "fun" & discoveries of leanring new things seemed to be taken away from them. I wanted to try and bring it back to prepare them for highschool. Sorry to get sidetracked but I don't like the open book idea either. Of course, I'm one of those parents that thinks a child should learn phonics in order to read and NOT just site words. They are attempting to teach my one daughter to read strictly by site words. I'm supplementing at home w/ phonics. I agree w/ the one poster that said these are different times. They sure are. Though I do like some of the things that have changed, I can't agree 100%. Wait till some of you have a kindergartner take his brothers Darth Vader drawings to school. Watch out b/c it's zero tolerance and you'll get reemed about knives and violence and such. Really, give me a break! What littel boy hasn't watched Star Wars and tried to draw a light saber?! I think teachers should have a focus group at the beginning of the year w/ the parents. Everyone work together on ideas AND rules for the classrooms. If majority of parents say no open book, hey, let's try no open book. I wish you luck w/ it b/c I know how hard it is when you don't agree. Though my situations are a bit different, we are all parents andjust want what is best for our kids to learn. Now, time for me to go learn about the government and presidential stuff w/ my kids. Stephanie--mom to 7
Lots of teachers use open book tests to test the reading comprehension & help prepare students for the questions and nonfiction text they will encounter on the EOG's. As a teacher, I will say that not all elementary schools use open book tests for all their tests. I have taught in the three different schools in different parts of the county & this is a decision left up to the teacher or team of teachers. Most teachers I taught with used a variety of types of tests, not just open book. If you feel strongly about no open book, ask your teacher to give your child the test without the book.
I am in college and take with book, as well as without book test. I am strongly in favor of book, but have found that they are almost 50% harder and longer. You may thing it crazy, but I have learned more on the open book test. I have found that they make you look at the material closer and more in depth. ~ typos are due to this being typed on my Kindle