A.C. Snow & Squirrels

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by gcoats3, May 17, 2011.

  1. gcoats3

    gcoats3 Well-Known Member

    We used to love the squirrels. However after years of harrasing the beautiful birds we feed and damaging our property I have to agree with A.C. Snow. I had been trapping and relocating them but apparently that is against NC law. Unless I can find someone that will allow me to release them on their private property.

    Per A.C. Snow in N&O Sunday edition "with a permit, however, it's OK to trap, shoot, drown or dispose of the animals as one sees fit. But compassionately relocate them, as I was doing? That's a no-no."

  2. Crysta

    Crysta Guest

    A good outdoor cat should do the trick. Once the squirrels start eatting the cat's food, it should chase them out of Dodge.
  3. tassy

    tassy Well-Known Member

    No no no....my cats lay on the front porch and watch them eat their food. I think my cats like to share because they know that more food will appear at the next mealtime. Just like at night, the possum and raccoon come up to eat the leftover crumbs and they just sit on the railing and watch.
  4. sirputz

    sirputz Well-Known Member

    Re read the above post. it states a GOOD outdoor cat....your's are pussy's

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