I would have to say yes. Ever seen one who knows when to expect the school bus to bring the kids home. Or when the UPS truck should be going by. They just seem to know the timing of things that happen on a regular basis. Also, they must have a great sense of direction too because a couple of my dogs somehow know when we are driving through our subdivision. They get all excited because we're almost home. How they do it, I don't know.
I would say absolutely YES. My dog goes and sits at the end of the driveway every single day (Monday -Friday) to wait for the kids to get off the bus about 4:15. Once they are in the house, he goes back to the end of the driveway and waits for DF to get home. He absolutely knows about what time of day his family will be home.
I would say yes as well. My friend's dog would actually get very antsy when it was time to pick up her daughter from school(she got to ride along). We would be hanging out talking and the dog would keep coming up with an anxious expression around 2:30.
Definitely! Plus, a dogs hearing is so acute, they can distinguish the finest sounds. First the sense of time: When I was a kid, our dog would go to the front of our property and sit watching for us kids to come walking around the corner getting home from school. My mom said he would go to the door about 15 minutes before our due home time every day and wait for her to let him out, then sit near the sidewalk (he was trained not to leave the property) and wait. . .there was no way he could have heard us 15 minutes away - good hearing or not. My dogs are the same way - hubby is gone for 10 1/2 hours a day (work and commute) BUT he works various shifts - ie: sometimes 7-4 / 8-5 / and even 3 - midnight and they often get mixed around. The dogs will all gather in the living room about 10 or 15 min before he's due in and they wait for him. IF he works overtime, they will often hang out there for an additional 15 or 20 minutes before giving up. Their hearing - how fine it is: When hubby IS later than they expect - they will break away from what they are doing, even if sleeping and go to the door as he is driving down the street! His truck is not loud, it sounds like just about any other Ford F150 on the road, and we have neighbors who have the same model, as well as other trucks, yet they know when it's him. They have never been wrong. He says they do the same with me. Also with hearing: I go to visit a ton of dogs - the first couple of times they may bark when I pull into their driveway - I can hear them from inside my car when I turn off the engine, before I get out. After those first visits, they stop barking - they remember that particular sound and know who it is. Occasionally, I've had a rental vehicle, or hubbys vehicle and the dogs bark - just like they did in the beginning. I can go MONTHS without seeing a dog and they still remember the sound of my vehicle. I've read cats are the same, one thing said a cat can detect it's owners footsteps at more than 100 paces but with most you would never know it, as they can be kind of aloof - or they just don't get into impressing people with their talents. There's a kitty that likes to roll around in my driveway - and when the kids come down the street from the bus (there are three different buses), this kitty will take off running to greet it's human child when he's two houses down and he isn't calling the kitty. Animals don't see us as we see each other, they go more by hearing and scent to identify us as individuals. I do believe they see color and have done experiments to back that up.
This is so true. We have a cat that is almost blind, but he more than makes up for any lack of sight with his hearing. He walks around the house many nights hissing and growling at something nobody else hears, including the 2 dogs. They know.
Well i knew about the dog's hearing but was very surprised to learn about the birds hearing - our newest member of the family, Dezi who is a Blue and Gold, hears my car before i even turn onto our street or so my DH says. He is home before me and always brings the birds out to the garage to hang with us and he says that Dezi will start yelling Ma before i even turn onto our street - it amazes him and Dezi is always right on.:lol:
dogs I definately believe that dogs can distinguish some colors. My Westie, Ally, will ignore all flowers except for yellow ones. The yellow ones she bites the flowers off. I have seen her go thru a planting of mixed color flowers and pop the tops off of the yellow ones only. A daffodil does not stand a chance around here....