? about school absences

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by Abdulina, Oct 8, 2008.

  1. Abdulina

    Abdulina Well-Known Member

    How many excused absences may you have? Okay, reason I'm asking is b/c this Friday we arew leaving on a camping trip. But in the camping trip there is also lots of learning. (going for a couple seminars while there, etc.). I've sent in the pre-approval slip. That would be one missed day. Now, we are going to be taking a trip to Washington DC. This is mostly for my homeschoolers b/c we are in the midst of American HIstory and it would just be great to tour the things we've discussed. Plus, trip is all free except for gas.(parents live there...free lodging, free food, free tours, etc.). We will be touring most of the mall(what they call the part of DC where the monument is--didn't want you to think we're going shopping--LOL) and museums and such. My homeschoolers will have a project on it but not the others. With this trip, they may be missing two school days. Now, we can switch it and have them go over Thanksgiving Holiday. ---NIGHTMARE!!! Hate travelling over Thanksgiving time. Did it once before and swore I'd never do it again. But, with that, they wouldn't miss school at all. Just would be horribly touristy then and some of my kids can't handle major crowds. Is there a max amount of excused days they can miss? And btw, I don't mind my regular schoolers doing a report on what we saw either. I may ask the teachers if they can and then present ot the class. The DC trip is truly a learning trip. The camping trip is an educational trip but will mostly be for fun. They have 1 other day in May they will have to miss as well for a Deaf camp. It is extremely an eduational camp for them. Was excused last year. I know these places and great learning experiences for them but I also want ot make sure I'm not doing anything wrong either. So, 1 day in October, 1 day for sure in May and then either 0 or 2 days in November. what's your take folks? Thanks in advance for any advice.

    Stephanie--mom to 7
  2. Grammie

    Grammie Guest

    You will be fine. I think it is 4 days every couple months.
  3. All Children First

    All Children First Well-Known Member

    The policy reads no more than 4 absences per grading period, and no more than 16 total for the year. Get prior approval for an educational absence from the principal.
  4. KellBell

    KellBell Well-Known Member

    you'll be fine. no worries!

  5. Abdulina

    Abdulina Well-Known Member

    Thanks guys!!! Grammie, we'll call you tonight. Sorry about that. Got crazy here last night.

    Yeh, we don't take our kids out of school unless it is for a good reason. And with all the history going on now(whether it be good or bad, it is history) and an election, and everythign, it just would be wonderful to see in person what we're reading about. Got to go! Have a great week.

    Stephanie--mom to 7
  6. JenniferK

    JenniferK Well-Known Member

    And you can have up to 5 days per year excused as a parent sponsored educational trip. But you have to do it prior to the trip.
  7. Emma Caroline

    Emma Caroline Well-Known Member

    You can have the 5 days for a "family field trip" but the form says only one trip will be approved each school year. Technically you can only miss 4 days per grading period (excused or not) or you will receive a 0 for that grading period. I don't think elem schools are strict about that. We are in a similar situation. We are taking 3 days next month and we have considered a spring trip as well. I wondered if both would be approved even though it would only be 5 days total.
  8. Grammie

    Grammie Guest

    Thanks Stephanie but never mind, no more laptop right now. Lord I hate this desk top I want my laptop back. :x

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