Absolutely Unfreakingbelievable!

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by gardnerjanelle, Mar 25, 2008.

  1. gardnerjanelle

    gardnerjanelle Well-Known Member

    Hubby is out of town so I took the boys to McD's on 42 for dinner and to let them play on the playground. When we got there, there was a boy alone on the playground that was about 7. My boys went out and played while I got the food. I called them in to eat, and the boy stayed outside. After my boys ate and went back out to play, the place gradually cleared out to where there was no one left that could have been the childs parents. I was getting ready to ask the employees if the child belonged to one of them, when they boy talked to someone that drove up in the parking lot, and then ran into the restaurant, out the door, and got in the vehicle. The boys parents had left him at McDonald's - alone - to play on the playground?!?!?! If I had known he was alone, I would have called the police...but by the time I made the connection, he was being picked up. I told the manager and gave a description of the boy and his parents (?) vehicle. They are pulling the tapes to give to the police. I am still in such shock that anyone would think it was okay to use McD's as a drop off child care. That boy could have been long gone when they came back, he could have gotten hurt on the playground......and you can bet those parents would have sued McD's. If you are the parent/guardian who did this, I hope you get what's coming to you!
  2. ncmom

    ncmom Well-Known Member

    Not that this is right either ... could they have been sitting in the car watching him at the playground then pulled up to tell him it was time to leave? Just wondering because I don't let my 6 & 7 year olds go to the bathroom alone at McDonalds so cannot fathom someone just leaving a child that age there alone to play!
  3. gardnerjanelle

    gardnerjanelle Well-Known Member

    I don't believe so. I watched the vehicle he got into pull into the parking lot as though they had come from the area where the banks are......it looked as thought the lady driving yelled at him, he ran inside, then out to the vehicle. He got in, they sat there for maybe 1 minute, then sat by the dumpster in the back of the lot for another minute and left. The manager thinks he can get the license plate from the vehicle since they have cameras near the drive through. I asked my boys if they knew him and they said no. My youngest did say that his "friend" told him he had been playing by himself for a while and was glad that they came so he wasn't alone. I thought it was that he had no one to play with, not that he was "alone".
  4. Grammie

    Grammie Guest

    You did the right thing. I hope they find the parents and find out what went on.
  5. MisunderstoodMind

    MisunderstoodMind Well-Known Member

    I've been trying for years to have children with no luck. This being said, people like that really **** me off.
  6. kimmie

    kimmie Well-Known Member

    I can't believe in this day and time that a parent would be so stupid to let there child out of sight. I hate going to the mall and sending my 10 yo grandson into the men's room..... I tell him, you have 2 minutes and I'm coming in..... Haven't had to walk in after him yet, but sorry to all the men in advance if the time comes, b/c I sure will do it!
    Shame on those parents! Hope they catch them!
  7. j*j*s*mom

    j*j*s*mom Well-Known Member

    This is just stupid on the kid's parents or whoever they were. I agree with kimmie, if my son takes too long in the bathroom I will open up and check on him. I would rather look like an overprotective mom than something much worse happening. I just do not understand how anyone can leave a child alone in a public place for ANY reason!
  8. shar824

    shar824 Well-Known Member

    That's scary. I feel sorry for the little guy.
  9. KellBell

    KellBell Well-Known Member

    LOL. I do the same with my boys. I have walked in many 'mens' rooms, if they take longer than I think they should, and boy have I gotten some looks. I don't care. Luckily they are usually in there goofing around with the foam soap or the hand dryer....:)
  10. kimmie

    kimmie Well-Known Member

    heck yeah on the mens parts and heck yeah and the kids part! I'm like get out here......!
  11. peppercorns

    peppercorns Well-Known Member

    I can't stand any child that is runnning around looking under stalls and in dressing rooms.
    I have told a few kids and their parents off.
    I really annoyed one at Kohls a weeks or so ago. Watch that the kids are safe but also watch what the heck they are doing!!!

    i hate stupid people, stupid people should not be allowed to breed, eveyoine is stupid sometimes but those that spend more then 75% of their lives being stupid, need to stop trying to populate the planet with more stupid people.
  12. kimmie

    kimmie Well-Known Member

    the saying is................

    Remember that other people don't think YOUR children are as cute as YOU may.

  13. shar824

    shar824 Well-Known Member

    You know, I totally agree with that Kimmie!!

    However as a parent it really stinks!!! Meaning a double edge sword, if I bust my 3 year olds butt in public next thing you know someone is calling Social Services!!! It's tough being a parent these days....darned if you do, darned if you don't.

    The way I solve it, I don't take my kids out to anywhere "nice" persay....yup...its Golden Corral, McD's.....or at least someplace kid friendly until they are old enough to learn to be respectful in public.
  14. kimmie

    kimmie Well-Known Member

    I agree and thats part of the problem, people aren't allowed to parent there children anymore..... use to be you would get a dirty look if you didn't make your children mind, or someone else would correct them....now if you spank them you get a dirty look....and can you imagine what would happen if I walked up and popped someone elses kid on the tail for being disrespectful.... wowwie! I would be shot......what a world we have become..... our own worst enemy!
    Last edited: Mar 26, 2008

    INTHEBUFF Well-Known Member

    Here's the problem as I see it. Most if not all kids act out in the same manner in public that they are allowed to act in their own homes. In other words, my two girls were taught from the highchair what was acceptable behavior while eating and what was not acceptable (Mr. Butt please meet Mr. Hand). So, don't expect good behavior from you kids in public if you don't demand it from the in your own home. Everything starts at home. My two girls babysit a lot and their both amazed at how some of these kids are allowed to behave.
  16. space_cowboy

    space_cowboy Well-Known Member

    Agreed. And then they're dumbed down with ADD medicine. I can't wait to see where these kids end up when they get older. Sad part is it's not even their fault.
  17. kimmie

    kimmie Well-Known Member

    and why are so many kids diagnosed w/ ADD/ ADHD these days? Back in my day it was sit your ars down or you will get a spanking! I agree there are waaaaaay to many kids diagnosed w/ this and over medicated.... but there are just as many parents out there that don't teach there kids to behave too! .................give the toddlers choices, reason w/ a 2 year old......over induldge them........brand new cars at 16.........BS!!!!! ......and a switch took care of most problems..... call it child abuse if you want......I don't feel abused.....I feel lucky compared to my GS's generation coming up.

    :allears:eek:k,,,,go ahead, everyone blast me......
  18. kookookacho

    kookookacho Well-Known Member

    Mama? Is that you?
  19. kimmie

    kimmie Well-Known Member

    "git ovr hea before I take a switch to ya!" :jester:
  20. kimmie

    kimmie Well-Known Member

    and before I'm hung out to dry, let me add that I'm all about some kids..... love em, could eat them up.... but I'm all about some behaving kids too and the rest need to be taught....I feel sorry for the ones that don't get taught....it's just a part of loving them is teaching them.......:grouphug:

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