21 horses drop dead before a polo tournament. 21! There is a criminal investigation being opened. I'd hate to think someone killed all those animals over a dang polo game. :? Sounds awfully suspicious to me though, because every single animal that got sick went on to die. Seems as though if it was something they ate or drank that was bad (not poisened) some of them might have recovered.
If it was criminal, that wouldn't be the reason. Those horses are worth a lot of money. Most likely insurance. Although something on this scale seems a little brazen.
I saw this yesterday. It's one of the craziest things I have ever read. If someone did this, and I think it was intentional (to answer the thread question), they have no blood running through their veins. Very sad.
Vets thinking it may be related to feed...
Had to have been someting intoxicating. Could it been some type of pesticide sprayed onto the field? I guess we'll all find out. Crazy though, huh? stephanie--mom to 7
Stick me with a pitchfork...Intentional... because of these: “They were the team to bat{beat},” he said. “They have some of the greatest polo players in the world.” “This was an isolated incident involving that one team,” Wash said Poor babies. :cry::cry::cry:
UPDATE :shock::shock::shock: Not intentional. Pharmacy error. Can you IMAGINE the lawsuit that is going to come out of this..............,2933,517619,00.html
From what I read the pharmacy will be in deep doo doo - ) for making the compound which is not approved in the US and 2) for it being made incorrectly and killing all those horses.........bad all around. But really, the Venezualians (sp?) shouldn't have asked for it - if they needed something like that they should have brought enough with them. JMHO :?