Adhd and everything that goes with it

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by misy68, Dec 31, 2009.

  1. misy68

    misy68 Active Member

    I would like to hear from other parents who are experiencing problems with anything relating to a child that has been diagnosed as having adhd and/or odd. Everything from possibly organizing playgroups for our children if they are having a hard time socializing in school with their peers, iep's, Johnston County schools and everything in between.
  2. KDsGrandma

    KDsGrandma Well-Known Member

    The board tends to be pretty quiet on weekends, and especially holiday weekends, so don't be discouraged if you don't get much response. You might have better luck if you come back on Monday and bump up this thread. Good luck!
  3. Abdulina

    Abdulina Well-Known Member

    Gosh, there is just WAY too much to say on here. I have many, many children w/ mental and behavioral disorders. ADHD is one of them. I have a few children w/ that. I have one w/ ODD which is one of the worst disorders in my opinion that you can have. I wish so much that there was more in this area but I'm afraid you will find nothing in Johnston County. There is a support group but it tends to be more other special needs such as autism. I have wnated to start a support group/ play group for a long, long time but never came to pass every time I asked if anyone was interested. ADHD kids will have a hard time w/ peer relationships typically. IEP's will be labeled as OHI. Most can remain in a regular setting w/ pull out services from my experience. The lack of services in this county compared to others in the state are eye opening to say the least. It is the main reason we have talked for years about moving despite how much we love where we live. Wake County does not do much better in regards to services I am told by other special needs parents that I speak with. Write me privately and maybe we can come up w/ some sort of support group and brainstorm. Good luck to you.

    Stephanie--mom to 7
  4. Savealot

    Savealot Well-Known Member


    I guess you don't have any kids with this problem. I hope you were joking. My son has had ADHD for awhile and just an *** whooping doesn't cut it.
  5. blessed2adopt2

    blessed2adopt2 Well-Known Member

    Yep, what she said...

    Stephanie knows of what she writes!!! :) I, too, have an ADHD child. I think it would be great if WE could get together and talk. DH's could watch the kids, put them at Screamin Mimi's, etc....and let us go out on a Sat morning sometime to talk.
  6. nsanemom22

    nsanemom22 Well-Known Member

  7. misy68

    misy68 Active Member

  8. misy68

    misy68 Active Member

  9. misy68

    misy68 Active Member

  10. misy68

    misy68 Active Member

  11. nsanemom22

    nsanemom22 Well-Known Member

    Welcome to the board. You'll meet some great and helpful people here. Lots are big jokers with even bigger hearts.
  12. kdc1970

    kdc1970 Guest

    Polenta is one of the good guys. You need to take folks posts with a grain of salt. It's hard to tell intent from just the typewritten word. He was kidding, trust me. :cheers:

    Other than that, welcome to the board. :grouphug:

    Just as an aside, generally when one types in all caps, it is considered shouting and makes it really hard to read. 8)
  13. misy68

    misy68 Active Member

    Oops sorry everyone for shouting. I couldn't hear anyone. My speakers were off. :lol: Thank you for telling me. As for Polenta, I apologize. I hope that we are o.k. now. I want to play nice in the sandbox with everyone. Missy
  14. misy68

    misy68 Active Member

    Thank you
  15. Abdulina

    Abdulina Well-Known Member

    Michelle, I have 7 kids, and later this year will have 10. Some of mine have severe behavioral issues but for the most part, have it under control. I say that now as they're screaming and throwing a ball across the hallway--LOL. Long story w/ that one. anyhow, there are things you can put in place to help accomadate her needs. Some of ours we do indeed medicate, however, some we do not. All depends upon the child. Most of mine have multiple disorders and ADHD is just one component of it. It is NOT at all easy to deal with. That I can honestly say. There will be good days and bad. Just a fact of life. Keeping things simple and routine is key. Making sure your child does not have much materialistic stuff helps immensely. Sounds mean but is not. Making sure they have tons of physical activity each day is another key component of helping w/ ADHD. Right now, I can tell mine did not have that today....urghh. Paying the price for it right now. We have a swingset, trampoline, pool, etc. Many, many outdoor things. They hike in the woods, swing from the trees and stuff like that. ADHD kids are always in motion and need to be in motion. Remember, a minute for us, is like 10 minutes to them. So, if you tell them to sit still for 5 minutes, it is like you've told them to sit still for almost an hour in their minds. It is the way they work. Keeping hands busy helps as well. Think rubic's cube. Make sure it is something though that they can break concentration from. Despite being unable to focus, most ADHD kids tend to hyper focus once they start something. They can't "let go" of it. ADHD kids tend to be smart as well so do find something that they like and go with it. Currently, I have one really into art. So, he is painting my friend a mural for her kids on their wall. (& yes, he is that good). I have another researching heiroglyphics just for fun. Yes, I spelled that wrong. I have another who hasn't put the soccer ball down all day. Find something they are good at and focus on it. I say that b/c they are so used to hearing stop that, don't do this, sit down, settle down, etc.... having something they excel in helps w/ their self-esteem. Okay, I'm so sorry I wrote a book. Forgive me. I am by NO means an expert on this. Just a parent who has a lot, a lot, of experience w/ ADHD and probably every other mental disorder you can think of. Not exaggerating about that. I will say I would love to get together with a few other parents for a casual meet & greet type thing. I would not mind hosting it at all. Maybe with a bunch of us, we could come up with some awesome ideas to help our kids. And trust me, there is enough to do here to keep them all entertained. Nothing would surprise me in what kids do. Nothing. So you would not have to worry about going somewhere & them not behaving. It is a common fear among ADHD parents I have found. Tell me what some of you would think about getting together later in January and just chatting and bouncing ideas off each other. We might stumble onto something great if we put our heads together. Okay, time to go get some of these kiddos settled down to bed. I never did answer Michelle's question on kids' ages that have ADHD. My ones w/t ADHD are 9yo, 10yo, 10yo and 14yo. And most likely the 7yo as well but he's unofficially dx'd. Only one of mine w/ ADHD is a girl. Rest are boys.

    Happy New Year.

    Stephanie-- mom to 7
  16. KDsGrandma

    KDsGrandma Well-Known Member

    Looks like the board is not as quiet as I thought it would be, so that may not be necessary! ;) But anyway, when you make a new post, it brings the thread up to the top. If there were no more posts in this thread over the weekend, it would be so far down people might not notice it on Monday, but you could bring it back up to the top by posting anything at all. People often just post the word "bump" to bring a thread back up to the top.

    P.S.: I'm glad someone pointed out that posting in all caps is considered shouting. Thank you for having the courtesy to disengage the caps lock key! :)
    Last edited: Jan 1, 2010
  17. FrameMaMa

    FrameMaMa Well-Known Member

    Welcome Michelle!

    I also have a child with ADHD, he is 12, and is having a hard time in school, as well as at home...please let me know if I can offer any help or if we would like to combine with others for a support group or of luck to you!!
    Hang tight, it is difficult, but they are worth it...:grouphug:
  18. misy68

    misy68 Active Member

  19. misy68

    misy68 Active Member


    Anyone know of a good lawyer that specializes in special Ed, iep's etc? Need info having a problem at school. Thanks
  20. misy68

    misy68 Active Member

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