I have beautiful bunnies that I am bottle feeding since a local lab decided to have too much fun with a nest's mommy. Didn't have too much time to make the decision either-not sure how long they didn't eat before I got to them, but they are really growing and thriving so I hopefully will get to release them very soon (a few weeks). I need to get in touch with someone that has an adult bunny that can provide my little ones with cecotropes. They are the sticky "poo" that they excrete that have special enzymes in them that are essential for bunnies to establish proper "flora" in their guts and will make their survival rate REALLY high at that point. One of the three's eyes opened today, so I MUST get them treated before they are introduced to solid foods. Is there anyone that can provide this? I'm risking a lot and will eventually have to move on and pray they don't get sick if I don't get some...and it's really essential. If they were left with their mother they would have hers to eat and she would feed it to them naturally, but since we don't have her at all, we are being the best "mom" we can. Thanks in advance Tiffany Smithfield