I'm sure you all remember me posting about my neighbors' ten cats. They are trying to keep them in more often so I am not seeing as much of their presence in my yard. My problem is MY DOG! He is pi$$ing all over everything in an attempt to take back his yard? I had to dump vinegar all over my front step yesterday, where he relieved himself. He has pi$$ed on my car, on my sandbox, on the slide. Basically anything he can lift his leg to. I can't take this anymore. Nothing like walking out on your front porch and smelling cat & dog pi$$! What is this behavior and how can I curb it?? HELP!!! Signed, Pi$$ed off - not yet pi$$ed on. Thank God.
Has he been neutered? If not, I do know that is step one! If so, I don't know... talk with your vet about it maybe?
No, he hasn't. Is it too late to "band" him? Probably. Anybody got the information on the cheap mobile neuter services?
According to this site (and others I have looked at) There is NO hope. :twisted: http://healthyfoodforpets.com/urine-marking-in-dogs.html
Yes there is. It's called beatin his a$$. disclaimer: I do not condone beating animals, i'm joking so don't even start with me!
ready's reply is the best advice you can get. http://snap-nc.org http://www.animalkind.org/home.html http://home.earthlink.net/~bedandbiscuit/index.html This place is having a discount spay day soon. Ya may have to call them for date and time. Replied to BOTH posts Miss Cleo. All better now?
Ohh... un-neutered ... could be a female in heat around, driving him a bit bananas! Get that boy snipped. Helps with the hormonal marking and territorial stuff.