Adventures in Suburbia...

Discussion in 'Cat Dog' started by Cleopatra, Nov 10, 2006.

  1. Cleopatra

    Cleopatra Well-Known Member

    I'm sure you all remember me posting about my neighbors' ten cats. They are trying to keep them in more often so I am not seeing as much of their presence in my yard. My problem is MY DOG! He is pi$$ing all over everything in an attempt to take back his yard?

    I had to dump vinegar all over my front step yesterday, where he relieved himself. He has pi$$ed on my car, on my sandbox, on the slide. Basically anything he can lift his leg to. I can't take this anymore. Nothing like walking out on your front porch and smelling cat & dog pi$$!

    What is this behavior and how can I curb it?? HELP!!!


    Pi$$ed off - not yet pi$$ed on. Thank God.
  2. ready2cmyKing

    ready2cmyKing Well-Known Member

    Has he been neutered? If not, I do know that is step one! If so, I don't know... talk with your vet about it maybe?
  3. Cleopatra

    Cleopatra Well-Known Member

    No, he hasn't. Is it too late to "band" him? Probably. Anybody got the information on the cheap mobile neuter services?
  4. Cleopatra

    Cleopatra Well-Known Member

  5. harleygirl

    harleygirl Well-Known Member

    Yes there is. It's called beatin his a$$.

    disclaimer: I do not condone beating animals, i'm joking so don't even start with me!
  6. Cleopatra

    Cleopatra Well-Known Member

    LMAO!! But you know I feel like it. And if I could catch him!!!! :evil:
  7. le

    le Well-Known Member

  8. elims

    elims Well-Known Member

    Ohh... un-neutered ... could be a female in heat around, driving him a bit bananas! Get that boy snipped. Helps with the hormonal marking and territorial stuff.

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