since there are so many cat lovers here.... I got a little kitten to keep Puss company (not because I've softened and become some gross out cat lover or anything) This morning I discover that she's not using the litter box.... I found this out by discovering a mountain of kitten poop behind our big screen tv. She doesn't like the covered litter box that Puss uses. The guy we got her from said she was litter box trained. I have to nip this in the bud ASAP. What do I do? No telling where she's peeing...... And Asian bbq is NOT an option.
Try getting her her own uncovered litter box. At first I'd put it near where she has been using the bathroom already. Hopefully, she'll use it and then you can move it little by little until you get it where you want it to be. Best wishes!
Steve, love you guy, but to be fair we complain when the n00bies post the same thing on both sides of the forum. Also there is at the bottom of the opening page a forum dedicated to pets. Carry on!
Try multiple boxes (different kinds like covered/not covered) put different kids kids of litter in each one. Some prefer clay vs scoopable etc.. But putting one where she is already going is a great idea, then you can slowly move it to where you want it to be.
i've read that the general rule is to have one more litter box than you have cats. not that i do that myself, but we have 3 cats and 3 litter boxes all together and they all 3 use all 3 of them. you definitely need at least 2.
We adopted a new cat in July. She was an outdoor cat, from a friend who had found her. She is relatively young. I would say less than a year old. We are in the process of training her to be an indoor cat. Currently we are crate training her like a dog. Very large wire crate that she stays in during the day while we are at work and also at night while sleeping that has a litter box in it . She is only allowed out while someone is home to watch her and we make sure the crate door is open for her to use on her own. We also purchased a cat litter called Cat Attract. It is supposed to be 100% gauranteed to help train her. Even though its more expensive, it has ended up being one of my most favorite cat litter due to the clumping. Even switched our other cat to it. So far after one week she is doing much better. I think she is getting the hint!
:hurray: That's great! I was going to suggest you ask the guy you got her from what kind of box and litter she was used to using before and try that. But sounds like you got it solved!
now there's a new problem. While I was still sleeping this morning...she made steak and eggs for her and Big Puss and left her mess in the kitchen. I can't have a cat that refuses to load the dishwasher.