Advice on dog

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by Abdulina, Jun 7, 2009.

  1. Abdulina

    Abdulina Well-Known Member

    Okay, we have an 11 yo flat-coated retriever. 100 lbs almost. He went to the vet this past weekend. We've gone there for as long as I can remember, and used to have 2 dogs & both went there. He had his checkup and check out his tumor growth. Long story short, he has a bad tooth. Okay, the estimated cost for fixing said tooth will be around $1000. Now, is it me or does that seem excessive??? They are a great vet, Im not knocking the quality of care there whatsoever. Just the price. I know he needs to go under anesthesia & it is an older dog & will cost more. Also in the price is taking the needle for a sample from more of his tumors. He had these checked about 6 months ago and they were fatty tissue, nothing more. He's got them iside and out. Starting cataracts but really not in too bad of shape. Im thinking of getting another quote some other places. Would you??? Like I said, we love this vet. We just think lately it seems to be really going up. His little checkup, including a shot, fecal sample & some heartworm preventative(we were out) , & worm medicine was $300. I about fell over when my husband handed me the receipt. Is this the going rate for stuff now? Just curious. It would be really hard for us to leave this place but honestly, it would be hard for us to afford to stay. Let me know if you all think this is about the going rate. What has me thinking is we ran into another gentleman that used to use this vet. He said he switched and goes in the 210 area now and is about half the cost and wonderful service. That has me thinking. I'd love to hear others thoughts on this subjet. Thanks in advance.

    Stephanie-mom to 7
  2. ncmom

    ncmom Well-Known Member

    Have you tried Stage Road Animal Hospital? One of our dogs will soon be 12. He has tumors and an autoimmune condition. The vets at Old Stage evaluate and keep an eye on his issues. Because of his age, they do not push any excessive testing or treatment. He was just there last week for a cleaning and to have some bloodwork done. That cost about $150. He had three teeth removed about two years ago and I don't recall it costing more than $200 for that AND a cleaning. Their number is (919) 639-3337.
  3. We were going to a vet on 70 in Clayton. We recently got charged $600 for an xray and blood test. The visit before that, we paid $400 for vaccinations, check-up (included blood test), and heartworm preventative. I felt that this was very high, compared to what I've paid in the past. Unfortunately, we lost our dog last month (she had a tumor), but when we get a new dog, we won't be going back to that vet b/c it really seemed expensive. I don't know about the specific charges you mentioned, but my last dog had several teeth pulled, plus a cleaning, for around $700 (she was older too), but that was in Virginia.
  4. FrameMaMa

    FrameMaMa Well-Known Member

    I took my babies to Dr. Basden at Cleveland School Animal Hospital up at the 4042 Food Lion...They were fantastic. I had to put my baby to sleep so I feel your pain...
    They were able to see both our other dogs for around 110. That was exams and Parvo/Distemper shots...

    I cannot say enough kind things about those ladies up there!...Thank you so much...(Cheyenne's mommy):grouphug:

    Sorry.....I think a grand to pull or fix a tooth is a little excessive...does the tooth hurt the dog? or is it broken to the pulp? My little dog has a broken tooth, but it is not bothering him, nor is it down to the pulp, so they told us not to worry about it...
  5. harleygirl

    harleygirl Well-Known Member

    I 2nd Dr Debbie!
  6. Abdulina

    Abdulina Well-Known Member

    I think we might definitely be talking about the same vet! I won't give out names on this board & since there are two vets on 70 in Clayton, I don't feel bad mentioning that part. After what others have written on here though, definitely feel they are way too high. Thanks for all who've posted so far public and private. I do appreciate it. The tooth is not bothering him at all. Chows down everything still & gnaws on a bone. Last tooth we had pulled years ago was indeed bothering him. We took him in back then b/c he wasn't eating and that's how they discovered it. This time, not bothered at all by it. Makes me wonder for sure. Definitely going to get second opinion now for sure. Plus, there are vets much, much closer. Anyone go to the vet on Shiloh? Forget the name. Thought it was Cleveland but I could definitely be wrong. Thanks again for all the input. It helps.

    stephanie--mom to 7
  7. ncmom

    ncmom Well-Known Member

    It has been some time but we did try the vet on Shiloh. I also found their prices higher than Stage Road.
  8. AnnetteL

    AnnetteL Well-Known Member

    :iagree:I've been going there for years.They offer friendly service,are not pushy and are affordable! I can highly recommend Dr. Mendosa!!
  9. mudd77

    mudd77 Active Member

    You can add me to the Stage Road Animal Hospital 'Fan Club". They have always been great to my dog and their prices are the lowest that I have ever seen.

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