I have organized an outdoor catered neighborhood party for this weekend. Now they are calling for a pretty good chance of rain. Does anyone know of a place (indoors) near Flowers Plantation that could be a backup if we can't have the party outdoors? I tried the Archer Lodge community center but they are booked. Any advice is appreciated!
I don't know anything out that way, but maybe either the Clayton Women's Club or the American Legion Post downtown. Mike
I don't know if they'd let you use it since I'm not that familiar with the facility but there's a place on 42 a little way past Percy Flower's store going towards Wilson. Its a girl scout camp/place called 'Camp Mary Atkins'. Here's the link: http://www.pinesofcarolina.org/BPWC/Documents/leadership center brochure.pdf
Have you thought about renting tents? I believe there is a pavillion at the park on Stallings Street and the Civitan Club building is on that site. Call Town of Clayton Parks and Recreation Director. He may have suggestions.
I just remembered a good site for your outing. Many families have their family reunions at: Clemmons Educational State Forest 2411 Old U.S. 70 West Clayton, N.C. 27520 (919) 553-5651 Email: ClemmonsESF.DFR@ncmail.net