After school care suggestions...

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by ladypopo, Nov 8, 2012.

  1. ladypopo

    ladypopo Active Member

    We are looking for after school care for our two kids, ages 6 and 10, and wanted some feedback on the programs that everybody has tried in the area. Please give all the good, bad and ugly. We just moved into the Adams Point Subdivision so we would like to stay in the 40/42 area for after care. And fyi I checked the child care place beside our subdivision and they only offer before and after care and there is a longgggggg waiting list. Thanks!
  2. jbarrow0811

    jbarrow0811 Well-Known Member

  3. mingomama

    mingomama Well-Known Member


    Does your school offer it? That's usually a good bet.

    I tried Kids Clubhouse, and that (according to my kids) was a zoo with very little supervision.

    How about a neighbor who could watch your kids?
  4. DMJmom

    DMJmom Well-Known Member

    Your kids must go to West View, they do offer before and after school care. I don't know much about it, I've never used it, but they do offer it. I have no idea if there's a waiting list. I believe they have the info on the school website.

    There are many places that offer those services for our school kids, but I've never used them so couldn't comment on how they are. Hope you find something!
  5. Wufpack99

    Wufpack99 Guest

    The Martial Arts gym my little one goes to has after school care. Wasn't sure if you found somewhere but figured I'd send you the link and phone number. You can ask to talk to Neal Weaver. Good luck!
  6. 42Local

    42Local Well-Known Member

    Little Stepping Stones, Building Blocks, Open Arms, Kids R Kids, Kids Clubhouse, and Zoofari all do before and after school care. I think LifeSpring, the martial arts place off of Technology Drive, and several other local places offer it as well. They all have good just depends on what you and your kids are looking for.
  7. ladypopo

    ladypopo Active Member

    Just wanted to let everyone know we enrolled at Zoofari and our kids love it! I would recommend them to anyone. The staff are so sweet and my kids love love love going there. They offer before and after care as well as drop in care. Thanks for all the suggestions!

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