AIG meetings

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by Phantom, Sep 26, 2010.

  1. Phantom

    Phantom Member

    As a proponent for Johnston County's AIG program and a candidate for school board, I want to make sure everyone with a child in grades K-5 is aware of meetings being held concerning changes to the AIG program. I know the first meeting was last week, but since in my opinion they haven't been advertised very well, I'm trying to get the word out so that more parents can attend.

    The meetings are to discuss the revised plan that went into effect this school year, nurturing programs, identification processes and service delivery options. The remaining meetings are scheduled for: September 28 at South Johnston High School, October 5 at Cleveland High School and October 12 at Corinth Holders High School. All meetings will be held in the school auditoriums from 6:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. This meeting is for all parents, whether your child has been identified for the AIG program or not. I encourage all parents to inform themselves and to be advocates for their children and their educations.

    I plan to attend this week's meeting. If anyone went to the first meeting, please let us know your opinion on how it went.
    Lisa Klisiewecz
  2. ljk

    ljk Well-Known Member

    I will be at the Cleveland high meeting.... but what do they do in HS for AIG?

    They went to the center for Elem... middle school we got a little 'extra work', since DS in honors classes in 9th, what will they do different?
  3. Phantom

    Phantom Member

    My oldest is in 5th so I don't know for sure what they do for HS students other than honors and AP courses.

    Here is the website for the AIG program (different from the one for the center):

    The website has contact info for those in charge of the program and they should be able to help you. Then there are the meetings where hopefull you'll be able to get some information as well.
  4. Kelyel

    Kelyel Well-Known Member

    I attended the meeting @ SSS.

    It was a 45 min powerpoint by Chris Godwin.

    No questions, no other speakers -- just the Powerpoint & Chris talking...

    that was it.
  5. Phantom

    Phantom Member

    I was amazed when I heard that he didn't even take questions but asked that anyone who had one write it down with their name and number and they'd get a call about it at a later date. How's that for open communication?
  6. Phantom

    Phantom Member

    I went to the meeting at SJ this week. This one was run by the GPS (Gifted Program Specialist, formerly the TISS) and they basically read the powerpoint to us. They let it be known that the meetings are being held to fulfill one of the aspects of the AIG plan concerning communication with parents, teachers, community, etc.

    I did learn that the Algebra and Geometry that some 7th and 8th graders take will fulfill two of their four high school required maths. That frees them up to take even higher maths in high school, which is not required but highly encouraged.

    And I heard at this meeting that they are no longer testing K-2 kids due to limited resources - they have to test each student individually and with only 5 GPS, that would be a hard task. At the first meeting they were told they no longer test K-2 kids because some kids enter school at an advantage due to what's going on at home and will be way ahead of others who will manage to catch up by 3rd grade. I have to say I don't like that excuse for two reasons: 1) If they are ahead, they deserve to be given more than the standard course of study allows or else they will be wasting time and be bored and possibly lose interest in school waiting for everyone to catch up with them. 2) Some kids are ahead because they have a true gift for math, reading, science, etc. and they also need more. Kids that are smarter than the norm deserve as much attention and extra services as those struggling in school.
  7. Tardevil

    Tardevil Well-Known Member

    We were told at the Algebra meeting at Cleveland Middle school that taking algebra and geometry in 7th and 8th does NOT fulfill the high school requirements, in that they will still have to take math all four years in high school. If your child is not destined to use high levels of math in a career, taking algebra and geometry in middle school seems like quite a push! Kids may still want to go to college, but not have a math focus.
  8. Phantom

    Phantom Member

    That's interesting. It was board member Peggy Smith who asked for a clarification on the math going towards high school credit (not for GPA, just credit towards the four required for HS). It was one of the middle school GPS (Angela Becton, I believe it was) who said Algebra and Geometry in middle school would count and went on with the explanantion on how that would mean they'd only have to take two maths in high school but were expected to take more, higher maths.

    As the mother of a 5th grader who will be expected to take pre-algebra next year, I do understand your concern. However, for the most part, those that will be taking these higher level maths in middle school are our brightest kids and more is expected from them. We can't keep pushing for accelerated coursework in the classroom and then balk when the administration decides to actually step up and give it to them. If the kids start the classes and can't do the work, they'll be placed in the math course they are ready for. And if the kids can get these two courses out of the way before high school, it frees them up to take other courses, math or other, that they are interested in but normally might not be able to fit in.

    I suggest you talk to your school's GPS (Angela Becton) about the confusion over these courses counting for HS credit or not. Please let me know what she says so I'll know if I'm going on the right info or not!
  9. Tardevil

    Tardevil Well-Known Member

    I welcome any and all acceleration for my own child, as we have begged for it! There are parents that removed their children from the middle school algebra track after being told that the middle school algebra and geometry would NOT count toward the four high school maths. These are kids identified as bright and capable, but not interested in pursuing math specifically as their college track. There were parents in attendance at the middle school that asked repeatedly for clarification on this very point because not all bright kids want/need six years of math. My child loves math so this path works for us. Is the "new" requirement that states that the middle school algebra and geometry count toward the four high school maths in writing somewhere? I would love to share this with the middle school. When this idea was originally floated, parents were under the impression that they could get two maths "out of the way" in middle school, and have only two they had to take in high school. This was addressed at the middle school parent algebra meeting held in September and the parents were told they did not count, and four maths would be required in high school as well.
  10. ljk

    ljk Well-Known Member

    My son took Algebra in 8th grade and we were told it does count in HS. He is in 9th grade now and only has to take 3 more maths. He of course can take more if desired.
  11. Phantom

    Phantom Member

    I don't know that it's written anywhere. Your school's GPS should be able to tell you or contact Chris Godwin's office. Let them know that there's confusion out there and this is something they need to clarify.
  12. Tardevil

    Tardevil Well-Known Member

    That's great to know! There seems to be quite a bit of misinformation floating out there. Thanks so much for posting. I plan to make a few phone calls :~)
  13. beebsy

    beebsy Well-Known Member

    No clear guidelines

    I have been, and continue to be extremely frustrated with the AIG program, for the simple fact that NOBODY can give me a straight answer as to what the policy is for testing/acceptance in the elementary grades. I guess it is a null point, since I read on here that they are no longer testing K-2 anyway. But the point remains: I have been asking for 3 years what the policy/guidelines are, and nobody can give me an answer OR direct me to a written policy. There is nothing on the website. Additionally, I called and spoke to the AIG center director, and informed her that I would not be able to attend ANY of the meetings due to my work schedule. I asked her if I would be able to get a copy of any handouts that might be given at the meetings, and she told me that she didn't think there would be any handouts or anything available for me. SUPER!! I am, and continue to be stunned that they have not had any type of written policy or guidelines for kids to get tested...IMHO, if I was a lawyer happy type of person, I would retain one, and see if I could get any answers THEN. I am super annoyed and disgusted by the whole seems very SHADY to me....does anyone know something I don't, because I really thought that if I talked to the DIRECTOR of the AIG pgm, that I could get a real answer, but all I got was evasive answers. :?::?::?::?:
  14. Phantom

    Phantom Member

    I'm sorry you've had such problems. Communication has been a big downfall for the AIG program, and even with their public meetings they're currently having, I still see it as a big problem.

    Try contacting Chris Godwin: 919-934-4361 x 372 He is the one in charge of it all and he should be able to answer your questions.

    And have you tried the new website for the AIG program? It's different from the one for the Center.

    I just tried it and can't get the information for screening and identification to come up, nor the new plan. Don't know if they're bad links or my computer is having issues. If you can get them, that should be information to help you.

    Good luck.
  15. beebsy

    beebsy Well-Known Member

    Thank you so much!! That was more info than I have been able to get for 3 years!! :lol:
  16. pkc789

    pkc789 Well-Known Member

    As far as guidelines to enter the program, I am not exactly sure either. My son was tested and "invited" into the program but I am still not sure what he had to achieve on the tests or exactly how they were structered as I never received the test results. I actually didn't know the program was available for K-2 until my son was tested during the 3rd qtr last year (he was in 2nd grade). His teacher told me the teachers have to nominate the student for testing. He was tested and did extremely well is all know. I do know with him there was extensive interview process as well. The teacher also had a lot of paperwork to complete regarding his strength/weaknesses. I have also be told that teachers hesitate to test too soon because there is a 2 year wait for a retest.
  17. Phantom

    Phantom Member

    With both my kids, I asked for and was given - with no hesitation on the TISS' part - their scores. Again, I pass along the new webiste for the AIG program:
    It should have what scores are needed for the different services, i.e. Center, cluster, etc.

    If you don't find what you're wanting there, contact your school's TISS (GPS now) and ask them. They should be able to give you your child's scores also. And if you don't get what you want from them, contact Chris Godwin: 919-934-4361 x 372 OR He is the director of academic programs and the one who is suppose to have all the information or tell you where you can get it.

    There was a lot more involved with having my youngest tested last year than there was for my oldest a few years ago. A lot more. And it is a myth about waiting two years for a retest. I think they did try and limit how often they (the TISS) tested students to twice a year but you could request each year to have your child tested. And there's always getting them tested by a licensed psychologist if you want to pay for that.

    So much misinformation abounds about this program that it's hard to know what is true and not. Even those within the program seem to be confused at times as you can often get different information depending on who you ask.

    It's been a frustrating journey with my kids and that's partly why I'm running for the school board. I want to try and help improve the communication between the administration and parents. And I want to make sure that we bring the focus back to the classrooms and stop the threats that are made about cutting programs that affect our children in the classroom. We need to start making more cuts in the central office, cut jobs there that aren't needed instead of our teachers and TA's.
  18. Cleopatra

    Cleopatra Well-Known Member

    I never had any issues with the AIG program regarding dissemination of information, communication, etc. Maybe it is just that particular school.

    I have never heard the two year rule myth, but it is probably one they want to hold onto - everybody thinks their child is brilliant.
  19. Kelyel

    Kelyel Well-Known Member

    Anyone go to the meeting tonight at Cleveland HS???
  20. jumpin4joync

    jumpin4joync Well-Known Member


    I have several folks from around the county asking if you will be participating in the Benson Candidates Forum tomorrow night (Thursday, Oct 7th) and the Clayton News Star School Board Forum (Thursday, Oct 14th). Please let us know.

    Also, now that the ACLU has filed a law suit against the Johnston County Board of Education, could you share with us your opinion and views on the issue of the student wearing a nose stud (which is against school policy) for religious reasons? (should you win a seat on the board you will be faced with this issue and i belive some would like to know where you stand on this issue)

    Last edited: Oct 6, 2010

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