Allens Landing mess - THANX D.R.

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by Moe, Sep 6, 2010.

  1. Moe

    Moe Active Member

    What is going on in Allens Landing subdivision (George Wilton Dr.)? D.R. Wells is trying to get the government (DOT) to take over maintenance of the street (yet again - I think he tried this a few years ago) and is going up and down the street with his crew and digging out the culverts, spreading dirt and straw on the roadsides and making a mess. He is also giving people letters telling them what they have to do to their private property for his satisfaction - sorry D.R. but I think it is YOUR problem.

    I thought he moved to Montana - what gives? I also thought he was a "government stay out of my private business" guy but he is actively trying to get a public entity to take over the street? I guess that the government comes in handy when you're done developing your subdivision and making your money?
  2. robbie

    robbie Well-Known Member

    The water is just not flowing right in that subdivision. The town property and culverts (which is town property) are eroding away and the street will eventually buckle on the edges if not kept up. There are potholes everywhere which I think they are going to fill also. I think the subdivision was looking like *****, I think they are doing a very good job and it looks so much more prettier to drive in. As far as letters go, I don't know about that, but IMHO, your yard is your yard, but common decency to make outward appearances to other people who live there is just a matter of respect for others and yourself. IMHO. All these people who have junk vehicles all over their yards is just not nice to look at.
  3. Cleopatra

    Cleopatra Well-Known Member

    Yeah, really. Though I don't know anything about culverts washing out and junk vehicles. I lived there for 8 years, just sold my house last year. We got a letter years ago, the goal was to get the streets state-maintained and they cannot do that with basketball hoops at the street. We moved ours, waited a few months, and put it back. I would be PO'd if I still lived there and they messed with my grass. ;) But my culvert was fine. Incidentally, the yard between your culvert and the street is not really *yours*

    There *are* covenants, but they expired years ago. When I talked to him in the past, he was really a live and let live kind of guy - wanted folks to police themselves and each other.
  4. kdc1970

    kdc1970 Guest

    First, is there an HOA? 2nd, if not, how are you planning on street repairs if there isn't one unless the streets are turned over? 3rd, the slice of land between your yard and the road is as other stated, not "yours". It's part of the right-of-way and you don't have a lot of say-so about it. If it needs to be maintained, "someone" has to do it. If it ain't the builder/develper, just who do you propose should take care of it? :confused: Not sure what your beef is here.
  5. Cleopatra

    Cleopatra Well-Known Member

    No HOA, never saw any potholes either.... I walked that neighborhood

    If you want the streets plowed, they need to be state maintained, right? I was surprised when the school busses started coming down that road.
  6. Grinder

    Grinder Well-Known Member


    I will explain this the best way i can since you seem to be uneducated in this process. Not saying you are an idiot or anything, just uneducated.

    Currently George Wilton is not maintained by NCDOT. You WANT this actually. Once DOT takes over maintenance of a road and gets it into their Secondary Road system, then they are responsible for potholes etc... and their repair, not a single individual.

    Every developer has every intention of having their subdivision roads taken over by DOT. This is why they are built to DOT standards in the first place. If they were not built as such, then they would be built to private road standards and the residence of the subdivision would be responsible for maintenance.

    There are a few cases of private roads in Johnston County. Some at Flowers Plantation, Walden subdivision in Clayton and a few others. You really do not want to live on private roads.

    For NCDOT to come in and take over a road, the road, no matter how long it has been built, has to be up to a minimum standard. You can not have driveway pipes full of trash. Any drainage easement that touches the right-of-way has to be clear. And in case you did not know, you do not own to the edge of the pavement of the road. George Wilton, i believe, has a 50 foot right-of-way. Meaning if you walk to the center of of the pavement, that is the center of the right-of-way (plus or minus a few inches since no one can pave to the exact center) and then walk towards your house 25 feet, that is where your property starts. Generally its about 1/4 to 1/2 the way up your ditch towards your house. That 10 feet or so from the edge of the pavement towards your house is the road right-of-way. Right now, the developer owns it which is why he is allowed to come in and make any repairs he deems necessary so that the road will eventually be taken over by DOT. You do not own it, yet you maintain it.

    You want George Wilton to get re-paved one day? Then you want DOT to do it and not the developer. No slight on the developer at all but you want DOT to do this.

    Every road you see with an SR number is a road that is maintained by DOT. When there are problems, you call them up, tell the problem and they get to it...whenever. Its not so much that ...oh now he wants the government to come in and take over it. Every developer with every subdivision, always want to the DOT to take over maintenance. Its better for the developer as well as the residence who live there. If a developer (not just DR but any developer) has to fix a pot hole or repair a section of pavement, they are going to do it as cheaply as possible - just enough to get buy. If DOT does it, they have to do it to a standard, which is generally higher than what the developer will do.

    Any questions, ill be happy to answer them.
  7. robbie

    robbie Well-Known Member

    And DR did not do everyhouse, just the town properties that were in need of repair, so while you thought you had a great town property, it might not have been great in that it restricted the water flow, or your concrete tube under your driveway was blocked by too much nice grass and dirt. And I believe their was some sort of convenants in that subdivision about maintaining your yard and not having every vehicle you owned in your lifetime stored there. Heck I shouldn't say anything because DR sets the example with all those old vehicles on his land also. Just not nice to look at in a pretty subdivision, that's all. And they did fill in the hugh pothole at the corner of George Wilton and south landing drive. That would ruin your suspension if you went over that one.
    Last edited: Sep 7, 2010
  8. jumpin4joync

    jumpin4joync Well-Known Member

    I have not every word written within this thread - just wanted to post a disclaimer.

    As long as the streets within a subdivision are private property of the subdivision then school buses are not allowed within the subdivision. Children must catch the bus out at the entrance on the state road.

    Once a subdivision gets their streets up to what county requires - then the streets can be turned over to the county/state. Then school buses will be allowed to enter into the subdivision and pick children up in front of their homes.

    In addition, once the streets are turned over to the county/state, then the county/state maintains the roads. If there is a pothole or another issue - homeowners contact the county/state dot to repair.

    Very recently DOT came and did an excellent job at the entrance of our subdivision of clearing the ditches of overgrown brush and patched a pothole. Then they went through the subdivision and repaired corners of the streets at intersections where the pavement had given way and patched many other small spots. They come a couple of times a year through here.
  9. bosoxfan

    bosoxfan Well-Known Member

    I live in a subdivision where the streets have not yet been turned over to the state, but school buses DO come into the neighborhood, so it's not as cut and dry as the streets being turned over to the state before buses will come in. It may just be that the streets need to be built to NCDOT standards.
  10. Hught

    Hught Well-Known Member

    Strange, they said, and didn't, run down our culdesac until the roads were taken over by the state. Might it have to do with what county you are in?
  11. jumpin4joync

    jumpin4joync Well-Known Member

    Obviously I don't know which subdivision you are in but I will say it is the law that streets be turned over to the state before public school buses are allowed on the roads.

    If the roads are not turned over to the state and a school bus is involved in an accident on a road which is not state maintained- I would be interested in what would happen.

    I would suggest you check further into the streets within your subdivision not being turned over to the state. There has to be a very logical explanation for school buses traveling throughout your subdivision and the status of the roads.
  12. roca1216

    roca1216 Well-Known Member

    I hope things work out for the best in Allens Landing. I used to live there and I still have friends living there.
  13. bandmom

    bandmom Well-Known Member

    We live in JC and our neighborhood streets are not state maintained, but the bus does go through it. Several yrs ago, when my kids were little it did not. Our subdiv is right on Clev sch rd and the bus used to stop at the entrance (which was pretty dangerous considering how folks don't observe the speed limit or lane markings there :evil:) so I wonder if safety had something to do with it?
  14. bandmom

    bandmom Well-Known Member

    Q: The bus won’t come in my private subdivision. What can I do?
    A: G.S. 115C-246(b) states that “unless road or other conditions make it inadvisable, public school buses shall be routed on state‑maintained highways, municipal streets, or other streets with publicly dedicated right‑of‑way.” It is up to the local board of education to determine what other conditions might require or preclude the routing of school buses on private roads. The appeal process is to the local board of education.

    Q: What determines whether or not my local board of education will allow school buses to travel on a private road?
    A: There is no requirement to travel private roads, as stated in the previous answer. However, the local board may consider routing a bus on a private road for student safety reasons. In order to ensure that the bus can travel safely, some local boards may require written permission from the owner(s) of the road in order to travel and may also require that the owner(s) keep the road maintained suitable for school bus travel. G.S. 115C-246(b) also states that, with regard to school buses routed on state-maintained highways, municipal streets and other streets with publicly dedicate right-of-way, “the local board of education shall not be responsible for damage to the roadway.”
  15. robbie

    robbie Well-Known Member

    Well as in every subdivision, there are certain houses and areas that are not pleasing to look at. But Allen's Landing is a very nice subdivision with very nice people living here, so no complaints on that one. And it is starting to look nicer as they finish up repairing the town properties.
  16. Lucy

    Lucy Well-Known Member

    I agree..people who dont cut their grass and dont do any house maintenance and junk cars in their yards or whatever is not very pleasing to look at. It makes the subdivision look trashy and it's a shame for people who do keep up their yards and houses. At first, what they were doing didnt look that great but now they are finishing I do have to say it looks a lot better! For the past couple of days when I have went to work, they were working very hard on trying to make everything better so job well done! I would really love for them to re-pave the subdivision but oh well..maybe one day but regardless it is a great subdivision!
  17. robbie

    robbie Well-Known Member

    I Agree:)
  18. Grinder

    Grinder Well-Known Member

    Hey Moe...


    Where ya at?
  19. Cleopatra

    Cleopatra Well-Known Member

    We know this!!! You are famous for stating the obvious pages later. lol

    The EXACT same thing happened in Allen's Landing in 2005/6? The roads are not state maintained, and the busses that used to stop at McLemore and truck on down the road now come into the subdivision.
  20. Cleopatra

    Cleopatra Well-Known Member


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