Okay, just curious here. I'm a member on another board, and a thread was started by this woman who was complaining about how her food stamp card hadn't been uploaded on time this month, and who did she need to call. I do not know this woman or her circumstances, but I asked if she was so bad off that she couldn't afford food, shouldn't her internet connection be the first thing to go? I am being bashed and yelled at like you wouldn't believe. So what do you guys think? Isn't the internet a luxury? I know it's cheap (dial-up maybe), but if you're THAT bad off, shouldn't all non-essentials go?
I would say 'No' you are not being a witch. I probably would have said the same thing. Don't let them beat you up too bad.....
My thoughts------She could be accessing the internet for free, but you are not wrong in this viewpoint. The esteemed Mr Edwards view------ ----just joking
Cable, cell phones, internet...luxury. Unless (devil's advocate), they are on someone else's connection? I think you are justified.
I think so too. And I even said in my post that it was entirely possible she was connecting for free, and that if that was the case, then nevermind. Ugh....some people.
jenn, you said what a lot of people are probably thinking. I think that sometimes, too. When a person in front of me at the grocery store buys a hundred dollars worth of food, pays with a food debit car, then gets into a luxury SUV I wonder "what is happening here?" but... maybe that is not her car. Maybe she is borrowing that car because she really needs one. (Of course, I am also thinking that those diamond rings and gold jewelry items must be worth more than my car...) At the end of the day, I just have to know that what I did was the best that I could do. And perhaps someone who sees me struggling to make it will be encouraged to not take advantage of the system and make some cutbacks, too. (And I'm hoping that person who was asking about her food stamps was posting from the puclic library )
I thought the fake quote was uncalled for. I'm sure you can find enough to disagree with in things he actually says. btw, kudos for pointing out that she could be accessing the internet for free.
You are wrong in immediately jumping to the conclusion that she is paying for her Internet connection. There are many people on welfare who don't deserve it. There are also some who need it badly. It was wrong of you to presume that this woman was part of the first group. You don't know anything about this woman, especially her reasons for being on welfare. How would you feel if the situations were reversed?
I don't think she was accusatory but truly wondering. If she was on the forum saying, "how dare you..." I could agree but she was really just wondering. Sometimes you ask if you don't know.
It's very possible that she is accessing the net free either through the public library or some program that I'm not aware of. However, I've seen a few people that use the foodstamp cards only to get into their nice SUV which is parked in a handicapped space (they looked perfectly healthy to me), wearing a small Mr. T starter set, talking on their cell phone, and drive off. Makes me wonder. There's always circumstances that we don't see or understand, but there are also plenty of people willing to take advantage of the system. You said what alot of people were thinking. You didn't do anything wrong, so don't let them get to you. Mike
Here is an exact cut and paste of her question and my reply: My reply: So you see (Clif), I gave her the benefit of the doubt.
Did she say where she gets online at? Could it possibly be at work? I agree with you though, if someone can't buy groceries it is time to get rid of extras like cable and internet!!
Sounds like you asked a simple question and did, in fact, give her the benefit of the doubt. From their response, it sounds like you were on Toby Keith's Fan Club site. I hate going on there anymore.
I say tell us the board so we can go there can defend you. :twisted: I agree with you completely. But... if she is on a library connection thing, bless her heart, why is she wasting time playing at the library when she could be working?
I think you are right to wonder, but the issue is not whether she is paying for internet or not or luxuries. She was asking about food stamps and the date of the receipt of them. While the thought of what her financial situation is may go through someone's mind, it probably shouldn't have been brought up. It's VERY presumptuous. Especially without knowing the details of it. Which, by the way is no one's business really. Yes, you were just asking and wondering. But that type of response could've made her feel worse than she already does about her situation. She probably feels now like she needs to explain her life story to everybody before she asks a question any time she needs one answered. The financial part is for DSS to decide, no one else. I think we need to be more sensitive to people's feelings when we decide to respond to posts of financial or money issues. We have NO idea of the drama behind the scenes. Kind of "handle with care", so to speak. I would have told her to contact her case worker or the case worker's supervisor, wished her the best and went on. But we all do things differently.