Anyone else watching it this season? My top three picks for the guys' performances tonight were these (not in any order.) There seems to be some real talent on there this season. I think it's going to be a good one! What are your top 3 picks for the fellas?
You shall not make for yourself an idol, whether in the form of anything that is in heaven above, or that is on the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth.
Oh PULEEZE, don't start pulling a Ken on me Hugh!! :banghead: It's a singing contest, nothing else. I do wish the name of the show was something different, but what can I do...
(Hugh poised with his index finger about 1" from Ken's face). I'm not touching you! I'm not touching you! I'm not touching you! I'm not touching you! I'm not touching you! I'm not touching you! I'm not touching you! I'm not touching you! I'm not touching you! I'm not touching you! I'm not . . .
those were my top 3 as well, way out and above the rest. poor 18 year old california boy needs to pack it up, along with a few others
:iagree:there were a couple of good guys, but the other 10 made for a long show. The guy with the dreads was better than I expected and the Aussie guy will record, win or not.... hoping the girls are far better tonight. Michael Johns has already fronted at least one band...he'll definitely be signed by someone......
I do not like Colton, Danny, or Garrett. I was disappointed in Chikeize(sp?) because thought he would be better, and I don't like when they get cocky with Simon. But, I liked David Hernandez too, the first guy that sang.
Did you notice they darkened Colton's eyelashes last night? Man, that kid has some freaky blond lashes!! :lol: Anyway, I told DH the exact same thing about Chikezie. He needs to take a :chillpill: and just accept the judges comments gracefully. The way he acted last night didn't make him look good and was NOT a good way to start the voting rounds. He has potential, but last night's song wasn't a good choice for him. This guy seems pretty promising too. I'm afraid is going to be this year's Sanjyah (sp?)... let's hope not!!!
Robbie Carrico used to tour with Britney Spears, and the gossip columns say they dated briefly. Oh no, not another Sanjaya!
I just wish she'd come up with something original to say, she just parrots whatever Randy says for the most part. Simon really does have a better instinct for these contestants in my opinion. He could just use a little more tact at times. :lol: