The 2007 Word of the Year has been selected! Did you cast your vote? (I did, my choice came in 8th out of 20 words). The winner: Here's the rest of the top 10: facebook conundrum quixotic blamestorm sardoodledom apathetic Pecksniffian hypocrite charlatan
quixotic Main Entry:quix·ot·ic Pronunciation: \kwik-ˈsä-tik\ Function:adjective Etymologyon QuixoteDate:1718 1: foolishly impractical especially in the pursuit of ideals; especially : marked by rash lofty romantic ideas or extravagantly chivalrous action2: capricious, unpredictable Too funny, that is one of the most popular words:shock: About 15yo ago i actually had that word as my license plate but had to spell it with a K to be able to have it. Everyone accused me back in those days of striving for impossible dreams (guess what, they were wrong).:-D