Okay, I know we have had a few camp questions on here - and I have started a couple, but.... I have been trying to see if there are any Boy Scout away camps in the area and I cannot seem to find anything... Is there really nothing for Boy Scouts? If you know of any - or have a link to information please let me know. Thanks!
I know that Camp Tuscarora is offering camp for the Cub Scouts, DS can't wait. Is your son a member of a pack? They should have the info. If not, PM me regarding.
My experience is Girl Scout related, but here's how I found out about the local Girl Scout campgrounds. I'm assuming that Boy Scouts has a national website. Look on there for the local council--usually the local councils have the camp info given. Hope this helps!
I'm still trying to find something local that my 8 & 5 yo could go to together, my 5 yo is very shy and wouldn't go alone. I am a sahm, so it doesn't have to be long-term, even just one week would be great. just to get them out of the house. but everything i find is for rising 1st graders and older, or the kids are separated by age and they wouldn't be together. Anyone know of anything like this around here?
I know that most of the Scouts around here go to Camp Daniel Boone to earn a few merit badges. If they are in a troop then they should be given the option. And I believe they even give you the option of saving money by selling popcorn.