I am starting an ASL meet up group in Garner.... I attend a Deaf meet up group in Raleigh and wanted to try something similar in our neck of the woods. I was wondering if there was anyone out there who signed. (Deaf, HOH or hearing) It is a great group of people who welcome signers of all levels!!
We would LOVE to attend as our family desperately needs to learn more. Only way is exposure & I have found it to be very limited in this area. Do let me know if you get one going please. Thanks so much. Stephanie--mom to 7
I am getting brave and starting a deaf coffee chat in Garner. We will meet at; Aversboro coffee shop 1401 Aversboro Rd # 103 Garner, NC 27529-3980 (919) 779-9337 The first Saturdays of every month at 1:00. Please come and invite others!! I do not know how many people will come at first but I know alot of ASL students will be there!
Would you mind if we came? We really do need to have exposure more than anything. thanks. stephanie--mom to 7
I would love for you to come!! To be honest they are usually just adults (sometimes there will be one or two kids). So maybe give us time to get established before you ALL come? (bring a few kids each time??) Lance would LOVE to see Nik! http://www.meetup.com/Deaf-Meet-up-of-Garner/
Maybe my husband and I could come w/ Nik and Alyona. Sometimes when we leave the 'big kids' home for a short period of time, they do fine and gives them a chance at more independence. I'm trying to get Nik to open up more w/ his sign as this will be his form of communication in life. Hope to see you then! We really do need to catch up. stephanie-- mom to 7
That would be great!!!! Go up on the meet up site and sign in. Lots of deaf adults are members of the raleigh group and some moms with deaf kids too! Might be good 'connections?' I cant wait to see Nik! I miss him! He wont even remember me!!
My wife and I were just talking about learning ASL. Would you recommend us taking classes before attending, and if so, where do we begin? I didn't see any classes listed at WakeTech or other community classes in the area.
Wake Tech offers them in their continuing education classes.... I down loaded the PDF and tried to copy the link but I am not sure if it will work; http://conted.waketech.edu/schedules/schedule_pdfs/wtcc_conted_classes.pdf This is a great place to get exposure and most hearing and some deaf "speak' while they sign, so you can hear and see it at the same time. But it is not a great place to actually learn. It all goes too fast. So if you want to come hang out, meet new people and watch/absorb please come! We did have someone come to the raleigh group who left upset because there was no 'teacher'.... it is just a bunch of us hanging out! LOL But we do welcome all people!!!
If there is enough interest, we could start a little class at my house or nearby. I am in NO way an expert but I am conversationally savvy and am in school (1/2 way done!!!) to getting my interpreter degree.
Ohh, ooh, I'm interested! Let me know if you ever think of doing this. I know the best way is immersion. Stephanie-- mom to 7
I saw this.... "For anyone in the RDU area I am teaching a basic sign language class on Tuesday nights at 6:30 PM starting February 22 and lasting 8 weeks. Email me if you would like to attend. Cost: Loving Donation" Lawrence works for the Division of Services for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing and is the Interpreter Services Specialist for the Raleigh Service area. If you are interested in this class please email Lawrence.Shockey@dhhs.nc.gov
Time once again for our meet up. http://www.meetup.com/Deaf-Meet-up-of-Garner/ Look forward to seeing everyone again!
Sat 7-9! Time for the Raleigh Group to meet. http://www.meetup.com/DeafChatCoffeeRaleigh/events/21680831/ Anyone who knows or wants to know ASL... come on!
7-16 in Garner... Come on out! All levels of ASL users welcome. http://www.meetup.com/Deaf-Meet-up-of-Garner/