One of my feral colony cats has an injury and is at the vet right now... I know she will need a course of antibiotics... however she is borderline feral. I can pet her, but no one else can get near her. So I cannot be certain I will catch her every day for meds. I have tried keeping her inside before and she gets so freaked out she is dangerous to herself... climbs the walls and really just goes ballistic. (not to mention is very loud and scary sounding.) The vets only suggestion was boarding her, but she is scared to death there. I would rather her be home. Sedating her for a week is not a possibility.... I may try crating her in a large dog crate... I dont even know if she would use a litter box. I dont want her to hurt herself in this process. Any ideas? Poor thing.
ljk, you're faced with two choices sweetie. You're either going to have to board her or crate her. I'd opt for crating her first and see if she'll allow you to open the crate, pet her, feed her and give her meds. If she gets violent on ya, you're gonna just have to either sedate her or let her live in the kitty condos at the vet for a while....
Sigh... I guess you are right. She is just so miserable when she is confined. She really thinks we are going to eat her or something. I have a large dog crate I guess I will get set up. (where I don't know, I have run out of room in my house) Maybe this will 'tame' her in the process? (her name is Fangs because she has bit so many people out of fear.) Note to self-- go dig out the leather gloves.
Welllll.... not too bad. Thanks for asking! She is mad as fire and doesnt mind letting us know. She can be a very loud cat. She took her pills easily in cheese this morning so that was a relief. The upsetting part is, she was burned. Both front paws are really messed up. She may loose part of her pads etc. I am praying it was some weird sort of accident... but she is a black cat and it is October. So I hope no one hurt her on purpose. When this litter of kittens were born in our barn 10 or so years ago (no idea who mom was) we were out in the country, so barn cats were ok. They have all been spayed/neutered and I trap them each year to give them shots. But now suburbs have come to us, and I know no everyone is happy having them traps through their yard. I have tried making them inside cats, even gave this one away to a family, but they gave her back! She hates it inside. :cry:
I had to care for a feral and her kittens once and what I did was assign a bathroom for them to stay in. I put a bed/food/water/litter box and just left the door shut till I had to check on them. Each time I went in, I would spend a little while getting to know them and eventually the mother was able to be adopted out ( the kittens were so young, they ended up being very tame ). If you have a spare bathroom, pick one that doesn't have much traffic and one that you don't have to go into very often. Also didn't have to worry about the kitty injuring herself because there was really no place for her to go. Hope this helps!