I wanted to try my friends first since I've seen you all move mountains. Now I need to figure out how classifieds werk. :mrgreen: It needs to be 66 to 70". The frame is all we really need. PM me! ...now... off to classifieds...
A what?? I don't know if I have one cause I don't know what you're talking about. Splain it to me . . . Maybe you meant to say bikini top? I have one of those that's about the right size but the frame is all messed up :lol: You can see pics in one of the other threads.
Heaven help Michelle, LOL. A bimini top is the canopy for a boat, you can normally use it while your underway. :jester:
I was thinking in the right direction.... i was thinking it was the little canopy style top for a jeep. :mrgreen: